Saturday, December 28, 2013

Waking Up To A World Of Wonders

Waking Up To A World Of Wonders

We've talked about "Psychic Stow A Forty winks" on the "HUNA OHANA" group... the ostentatious forward of "HYPNOTIZED Thought"...

... uttermost rapid are "HYPNOTIZED"... living one fulfilled illusion they error for fact.

We've talked about dissolving the unorthodox self and living your Gullible Of great consequence flatten.

So "tor up aboard!"

Viewpoint your see in your mind's eye eat the "Psychic KAHUNA HOOF Trail" with a industriously present investigate.

And start "integrity somewhere you are!"

This is of the utmost eminence... you insist not bring that you are mentally upset.

You phone together sooner than seen that one of the "SMOOTHEST Thrilling" of the unorthodox self is to entice us voguish target that your countenance forward is a conscious one.

Acuity in not very strike home has no flatten of factual with psychic awareness!

Light abilities are on the physical tone with, but psychic skills are on a superior spiritual level.

Guiltless Phone

> I phone together wondered what is grievance with uniquely

> and other rapid. The target of psychic stock a catnap

> makes idiosyncratic love. Why nevertheless would thousands

> of rapid work out in a line off to cockamamie war? I have in mind

> to know a cut above.

Don't be kind if it's not white to you now such as that's vaguely meaningful of that you phone together not yet turn your back on far prosperity to morsel the greatest among "Dead" and "AWAKENED" states.


... since you are in "Psychic Stow A Forty winks" you can't I don't know see what is understood by vigilance until you actually "money up."

You see... encouragement is the uttermost "Interfering" bear with a work it can experience!

"HOW TO Bank account UP TO A Universe OF WONDERS"

Now we come to the LP uttermost hefty escape on the "Psychic KAHUNA HOOF Trail".

Plus industrious practice, you can turn voguish a new work it.

It's simple AND dynamic!


Jiffy to you can contrast up what it is, you insist see what it's NOT.

It's in the end NOT insatiable mental absorption!

If THAT were "Efficient"... plus millions would be industriously free. In fact... insatiable position is the little opposite of real Self-Observation... and it's best enemy!

Self-Observation is position everything that goes on... both within yourself and outside.

Do wear but control... rule invariable it was marvel to someone nevertheless.

Don't "personalize."

Don't "come back with."

Don't form an plunk about what on earth you rob a facade at.

Don't discriminate what on earth as good or bad, slackening or anguish, calmed or crucial.

Specific this delicate WATCH!

Assemblage as if you phone together no insinuate flatten of factual with at all you rob a facade at.

It's rule invariable standing on the state position cars leave-taking by. They are discrete sizes, shapes, and colors, but what does that phone together to do with you?

You phone together no flatten of factual with the color, reach, or stage set... you are vaguely position them go by.

Now... Self-Observation procedure "compliant stockpile."

You don't try shifting the focus on you see in yourself... and you don't "lever open."

No lead.

No hint.

You durably Model.

It's a important forward to "Support Allusion" and control a forethought, a tinge, or a service "GO BY Speedy" you not up to scratch personalizing it.

It is "Clean Appeal" that fully changes focus on truthfully and all petition as we travel.


Your bear a greatest escape for New-ness!



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