Sunday, December 15, 2013

Saint Julian Of Cilicia

Saint Julian Of Cilicia
St. Julian of Tarsus (Spread Day - June 21)

St. Julian, the son of a pagan senator and a Christian mother, was uneducated in the Cilician public of Anazerva. Upon the death of his leave, St. Julian's mother encouraged to Tarsus, original public in Cilicia. During she baptized pubertal Julian, teaching him, put away with his post, the basic tenets of the Reliance and the rules of Christian enthusiasm.

The same as Julian was 18 lifetime old, gift arose a gigantic persecution of Christians, instigated by the Roman Monarch Diocletian (who reigned from 284 to 305). Julian was by way of family Christians arrested and brought to the magistrate Marcian for trial. But neither ashamed torments nor pressure nor promises of gifts and honors might come into view the holier-than-thou youngster to turn dazed from Christ and bring sacrificial donations to the pagan idols. For a whole day they led Julian from public to public in Cilicia, putting him to tortures somewhere, but he, persistently, remained worried in his tribute of faith in Jesus Christ.

The same as St. Julian was brought to the coastal public of Egaia, the heathens gift clear open the holy martyr's orifice and packed it with central part and blood that had been unfilled to idols, idea thereby to poison the unpolluted and holy servant of Christ with stain sacrifices. Next they in prison St. Julian in a dungeon. His holier-than-thou mother, who had been accompanying him somewhere, praying to the Noble to become more intense St. Julian in his distressed trial, came gift to see him. The same as the torturers seized her and brought her upfront the magistrate, she begged to be unambiguous three days in the dungeon with her son in order to mind him to be fond of the idols. The magistrate decided her report. But she, expenditure day and night in the dungeon conversing with her son, exhorted him with moan and maternal love to consider these passing torments to the end, in order to come up with from the Noble eternal blessings in the catch of martyrs.

The same as three days had approved, St. Julian was brought, together with his mother, to the magistrate for trial. Mirror image that the mother had succeeded in persuading her son to bring donations to the idols, the magistrate began to extol her for her exhortations, but she noisily and courageously began to tell the name of Jesus Christ and to harm pagan godlessness. And St. Julian equally dauntlessly confessed and puffed up Jesus Christ as the one true God, and ajar the pantheism of the pagans. The misguided magistrate controlled them both--mother and son--to be painful. One time numerous torments, they chopped off the feet of the Saint's mother, the very feet on which she had traveled about from Tarsus, moment at the back of her son; the holy target Julian was put in a small laden with sand and sundry nasty reptiles, and tossed appearing in the sea. From now did St. Julian splash the end of his sufferings. Not yearn thereafter, his holier-than-thou mother what's more died a martyr's death, and whichever standard crowns of victory from Christ God.

St. Julian's party was carried to seashore by the waves, and gift it was found by a holier-than-thou widow from Alexandria who had it unknown with service. Quite complex, Julian' s holy rest were brought to Antioch. St. John Chrysostom, subsequent to he was a presbyter in that public, fortunate the call back of holy target Julian with words of extol.

St. John Chrysostom said: "From the orifice of the target proceeded a holy escape and, together with the escape, a light emanated brighter than the glare of the sun." Advance, he added: "Support character, be it a madman or one hyperactive, and bring him to the immoral of this Saint anyplace the rest of the target entertainment and you mood see how he [the demon] short decline mood give out and absent yourself as from a blistering fire." It is pure from these words how unlike miracles be supposed to cuddle full of activity place at the immoral of St. Julian.

APOLYTIKION IN THE FIFTH TONEO inspired Julian, your mother guided you to become a victorious participant of Christ. You were clad in the mask of the Spirit, within the willing and destroying the opponent. Now pray to Christ our God for us all.

KONTAKION IN THE Gleam TONEToday we extol Julian, the unbeatable holy warrior, the hero and yacht of truth to whom we cry: Umpire with Christ our God for us all.


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