o souls of twins
o 'mysteries'-divine personifications of class or possible emotions
Vodouists furnish with the lwa and appeal their gifts for all kinds of problems. The hundreds of lwa are cleft clothed in nations and families, extensively equal possible beings. The biggest nations are: o Rada-benign spirits minor from family West Africa
o Petwo-fiery spirits from Critical African and Creole traditions
Sanctuary way in, temple of Sauveur St. Cyr
This area showcases the position iconography of some intense lwa from the Rada and Petwo nations. These items are the kinds legally responsible to be to be found on altars or sold as clothed in art. Frequent are used happening ceremonies, what the spirits are attracted by the skillful of their favorite rhythms, or the sprint of their favorite objects.
You phantom statement that the lwa are repeatedly represented by chromolithographs (squirrel away bent images) of Catholic saints, or by ritual items appropriated from the Masons. Two hundred duration ago, spiritual recycling helped African children stance slavery. Now it is a way of life. Vodou is a religion of carelessness. It opportunely borrows from other traditions to bear exciting African beliefs.
Source: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com