Thursday, December 26, 2013

Summoning The Sun

Summoning The Sun
this spell is to call forth Solar Deities to bring sunshine and warmth to fill you with Warmth and Protection and bring sun where it does not shine ( example too much rain ) you needa Gold or Yellow CandleYellow colored Stones or Yellow Quartz Crystal3 feet of yellow or Gold Ribbona ChaliceWineknifeThis spell is best done 1 hour before the sun risesTo BeginCarve the Rune Sowilo and dress a large yellow or gold candle and dedicate it to ( Sol ) or use any sun symbol you wishSol is the name I Refer to as the sun God you may insert the name of your Solar deity carve the name of Sun God into the CandleFace East and get into a comfortable sitting positionGod of the Sun, SolHear my plea.I would all like to thank you for your light and warmth( Offer the Wine toward the Sunrise )"God of the Sun,SolHear my plea.Bless me with your protection and wisdomI give this Sun wine unto you( Offer the wine toward the Sun and take a sip )"God of the Sun, SolHear my plea.Thank you for everythingI ask only your Wisdom and GuidanceThank you for warming Mother Earth and all your Children" God of the Sun, Solhear my pleaProtection is now my desire.Make the flames now more brighter.Light and warmth shall protect me.Mote it be."Allow the Candle to burn out on its ownMeditate for a while holding the crystal in your handthen wear it as an amulet.Before any Spell or ritual is performed the magic spell should be read and understood completely. All items needed for the ritual should be on hand. Rituals should not be taken lightly. Rituals should always be done with respect. you are invoking real deities who will not be amused you conjured them for selfish have been warned. ~ Daw~


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