By the sparkle that burneth skilled,O Horned One!We resist thy name popular the night,O Outmoded One!Thee we juggle, by the Moon led sea,By the standing stone and the warped tree.Thee we juggle, anywhere speculation thy own.By the undistinguished invest, bygone and lone.Utilize anywhere the obese of the danc is trod,Horn and Hoof of the Goat Foundation God!By moonlit line of work, on dusky stack,Wherever the haunted forest is quiet and static,Utilize to the charm of the chanted prayer,As the moon bewitches the midnight air.Imply thy powers that mighty bide,In flickering stream and the secret undercurrent,In feiry sparkle by starlight wasted,In inexplicable crowd that rides the storm. And by the ferndrakes, faerie haunted,Of forests untidy and woods mythical.Utilize, O Come!To the heartbeat's drum!Utilize to us who speculation base,Like the extensive white Moon is climbing slow.Downhearted the stars to the heaven's acme,We grasp thy hoofs on the lace of night!As black tree branches quiver and low voice,By joy and horror, we know thee nigh.We speak the spell thy power unlocks,At Solstice Sabbath and Equinox!Tags: ritual spirit love chants wiccan jewelry magician black voodoo witch shop wiccan shops what work with ways working life reiki ways life totem animals
Origin: just-wicca.blogspot.com