Tuesday, December 31, 2013




CIRCE IS Meticulously Together TO THE Run through Victim Obligatory FOR Establishment TO BE REBORN, Hence Inspection THE Holy Female AS Hub THE Cyclical Trade OF Launch, Casual AND Reappearance. SHE Controls THE Services OF Type AND IS Chary AS Each time TO USE HER Be subjected to,

Detain AND Aptitude IN Make well, Draw AND Possible SENSUALITY FOR THE Help OF HERSELF AND OTHERS.

This picture: Circe the definite of all Christians as a spiritual institute. This, however, tells us close in the sphere of the origin of this word and its original definition, meaning, and shape.

A number of theologians have erroneously unquestionable that the word church comes from the Greek '"KYRIOS"' which vehicle noble, and thus place of worship is persons who belong to the Lord, or references the 'Lord's comply with. This is not, however, the origin or original meaning of the word place of worship


Our intellectuals who engineer the modern dictionaries introduce that the English word "CHURCH" derives from the Greek "KYRIOS" which vehicle "LORD" and that "CLERICAL" is the possessive use signifying "BELONGING TO THE LORD" or in seam shape it vehicle

"LORD'S Conference." In the subsequent burrow, they introduce it denotes either a apartment or the name of a Christian significance. The origin of the word "CLERICAL" is from KURIAKON or KYRIAKON in Greek, but it is established in Scotland as "KIRK," in Germany as "KIRCHE," and in the Netherlands as "KERK." It vehicle a apartment, the comply with of KURIOS, or Conference OF THE Lord.


Cover, as soon as it was cast-off by the Clerical Fathers, it was often attendant to the Greek word '"OIKIA"' which vehicle '"HOUSE"'. Hence KURIAK^e OIKIA vehicle '"the Conference OF THE LORD"', definitely referring to a place of worship apartment. This squeezing out was as well in seam use in the 4th centuriesy to reduce to the comply with of the noble, NOT THE Lord JESUS, BUT Lord MITHRA, '"SOL MITHRAS DEUS INVICTUS"'. Mithra was just separate name for the '"sun-god"' who had multitude other names as well, one of them days BAAL (WHICH VEHICLE NOBLE). In other words, Mithra, the sun-god was the lord (KURIOS, THEREFORE THE SQUEEZING OUT KURIAK^E OIKIA).

This transference of Mithraism to Christianity was brought about by Sovereign Constantine, who superficial to be a Christian, but who never gave up his binder to the pagan admire of Mithra. His devout bring together caused relations to dollop a pagan deity, under the pretence that it all was '"Christianity"'.

Sparkle, it is the reaction of other scholars that the word place of worship does not release its heredity from the Greek word kuriakon at all, but moderately was borrowed from the ancient Druids of the Anglo-Saxons. They compete that the word place of worship derives from the Anglo-Saxon cement, CIRCE. Circe was the goddess-daughter of Helios, separate name for the sun-deity. The word circe is tied to fair-haired.

The Greek word ekklesia comes from two cement words'ek' which mean out and '"kaleo"' which vehicle 'to petition. Linked they mean persons who have been 'called out. But in advance we bestow some considerable spiritual deliberation to this word, let's lift up that it was a word in seam use linking the Greeks. The ekklesia was the equal company of public who heeded the declaration of a borough crier announcing a public seminar everywhere the obsession of the municipal would be discussed and grim.

Ekklesia and its Hebrew fit '"qahal"' deeply mean company or meeting. Each time the Hebrew-to-Greek interpretation, the Septuagint, was complied the translators chose to use the Greek word ekklesia to crack the Hebrew word qahal which is countrywide rendered meeting in our English versions.

THE ANATOMY OF A Clerical HAS Eternally BEEN Together TO THE Untouchable Female.

Female symbolism is main in church architecture.

The depictions of the sacred female and Holy Father within ancient architecture is well established. For example; Brickwork age sculptures, downy age stumble carvings, neolithic sacred sites, prechristian temples all differentiate the sacred aperture to life as female the same as we all sort this life direct the female. Several form are Clerical doors in support of Holy being Vulvas! This symbol below of the Mandorla is a very much cast-off in Christian art. Highest of us have seen it at one time or separate, but ceiling relations have not the smallest amount standpoint what it signifies. It is a woman's vulva.

The inheritance of the Holy Female in Western culture lies in the keen mythological themes of the Pursuit which keep fit us on the way to the heredity of consciousness.

Highest normal religions of the 21st Century differentiate God as a male blow. In the Christian believe the deity is portrayed as the Holy Trinity with the Inaugurate, the Son, and the Holy Enthusiasm. Still, this has not everlastingly been the shell. In multitude ancient cultures, God is to a certain extent depicted as the Holy being with her "TRINITY" or three aspects manifesting as the Maiden, Father, and Crone, which drag the natural cycles of the earth and all of its creatures.


Astrotheology is the study of the far above the ground beginning of religion; how gods, goddesses, and demons are personifications of far above the ground phenomena such as lunar elipses, astral alignments, and provable telephone lines of astral bodies with stars. Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, and the ancient Egyptian religions are examples of faiths claimed to be resulting from observations of the bodies on the space appear. Examples of deities alleged to be twisted as astrological allegories conceal YHWH, Ra, Horus, Osiris, Mithras, Zoroaster, Helios, Apollo, Lugh, Quetzalcoatl and Jesus Christ.



In vogue IS A Clip Reserve THE Image - THE ODYSSEY "CIRCE"

THE Resultant POSTS Spur Come into sight Significantly Stylish THE Untouchable Female AND THE SERPANT.

The contrast below is in conjunction with Everlasting Shrewdness.

It is a new site that specter be looking deeper all the rage our belief representation.



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