Headed for a meeting ago I went to get a style prior a big author episode and it was the style of nightmares. The stylist butchered my hair. Yes, I went back to carry her "fix" it.... that did not go so well. It was drop. You know its bad for example women meander up to you and say very coolly, "Babe-in-arms, what happened to your hair?" Hence start patting you on the back and recommending a stylist.
So, I carry been on this "letting the hair shot out" tang such as last April. My hair has not been this longing such as my children were unripe. I carry had lots of trims in the ahead of meeting to smooth out the commit sacrilege against from the aboriginal chopper job. A few months ago I had my personality framed in an shuffle to get rid of the "shelf" that was on the missing vein of my hair, and it looks more accurately above. I hit it with a quiet ash tan hair color and called it good. Tiresome, not guilty, but fit for human habitation. Recently, for example I see face-to-face in the mirror I phase listing, expected and close to a middle-aged-glasses-wearing mom. (That's unsettling). Yeah I wear specs now- I can wear my broadcasting but I'd carry to carry readers. Its part of the perks of what 48 soul old.
"No" I am not throwing a moderation visitors. Nor am I fishing for commendation. I non-discriminatory carry a walloping tablet of the January blahs. Maybe its coming off a three day migraine and the look forward to of having three days off in a row.... but I am quiver to go do something to my hair. Tourist attractions, a major cut, something. So I'm not won over "where" Im leave-taking today but I am leave-taking to hit a hair salon, and let some bold hairdresser work their magick.
I ambiance probably if I imbue up my circle it will raise your spirits me to maintain my endless work outs. I carry been so subjugated with working in the open air the home over, handle down in the dumps, and insurrectionary with my circle, that I carry not been burning up very healthily, and I wish for to opinion above snag of face-to-face. And to pin outta my funk.
"Nonetheless, prior I go to the hair salon I'm leave-taking to work a quick candle spell for inner beauty and to call on out my inner goddess. Current is a simple candle spell that I wrote for "Finding your inner Divinity," in my Go-Girl-Power book, How to Enchant a Man".I ambiance I'll work that this commencement and see what happens. This definite "Inner Divinity "spell is on pages 31-32 if you are inquiring.