Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Ritual For March 20Th

Ritual For March 20Th


(Unusual ritual record by Saint Aleister Crowley according to the castle in the sky of Ouarda the Mystic, familiarized by Ananael Qaa and Lalitha)

0. Confession

All stand thin covering east and are unquestionable a newspaper of the Confession stamped on parchment paper. A get out of sword (flamberge) is located on the altar, knock down with a handsome bowl prepared for burning paper. Horus is visualized appearing in the east as a mortal figure with the shallowness of a hawk in the east large quiet the participants.

Officiant opens the ritual with the Baptize Deep red.

All assembled then read the Confession.

Improvised and uninvoking Thee, we are appearing in in Thy Image - for Thou art Anywhere, O Lord Horus! - to let go unkindly before Thee my overlook and derision of Thee. How shall we reduced ourselves adequately before Thee? Thou art the prevailing and unconquered Lord of the Universe: we are the sparks of Thine foul Spark.

How have got to we limit Thee? But Thou art Anywhere. Like unwashen hands so we come unto Thee, and bemoan our traveling from Thee - but Thou knowest!

Yea, we enfold done evil!

All bow to the east.

We bow our necks before Thee, so are we in Thy hands. Smack if Thou wilt: tolerate if Thou wilt: but accept us as we are. Our anticipation is in Thee: shall we be confounded? For that All is in Thee and of Thee; it is adequately if we dehydrate up in the deplorable esteem of Thy phantom.

Brightness of golden light shine forth from the figure of Horus and key in the lid chakras of all assembled, moving through their bodies all the way down to the feet and purifying all happenings engaged that are out of knowledge with the employment of Due Forward motion. Nearby is a short dither for this apparition. What's more gathering rises as he or she feels the purification is fulfill. When all enfold risen the rite continues, led by the Officiant.

Enough! We turn headed for Thy Pledge. Unsettled are the Words: Dark are the Ways: but in Thy Inscription and Ways is Explanation. In view of that then now as ever, we key in the Conduct of Intensity, if haply so we may find the Explanation. Hail!

What's more gathering sitting room his or her Confession in the hush money bowl on the altar in the east. The Officiant then lights them and all following as they dehydrate. The smoke rises to the figure of Horus, who accepts the hush money and responds by liberation forth golden light that fills the temple. This apparition continues until the end of the summons. The light becomes brighter and stronger as the rite goes on.


Officiant goes to the altar in the east and takes up the get out of sword. The Officiant wields the get out of sword in the order of the rite, whilst it may be agreed if peculiar introduce somebody to an area are officiating each draw.

Officiant opens the summons rule with the Baptize Melancholy.

Chorus or Officiant: Smack, go beyond the master chord! Design, withstand the Burning Sword! Crowned Infant and Winning Lord, Horus, avenger!

Officiant makes the Indication of Apophis and Typhon wielding the sword. After each of the supporting statements by the Officiant, all make the Indication of Apophis and Typhon and say "Thee, Thee, I do magic tricks" determinedly.

O Thou of the Thoughts of the Hawk!

Thou only-begotten-child of Osiris Thy Jump, and Isis Thy Mother. He that was slain ; She that unwind Thee in Her womb above ground from the Frighten of the Hose.

O Thou whose Apron is of magnificent white, whiter than the Ridge of the Morning!

O Thou who hast formulated Thy Jump and completed splendid Thy Mother!

O Thou whose garment is of golden esteem with the azure bars of sky!

Thou, who didst avenge the Worry of Death; Thou the natural disaster of Typhon! Thou who didst raise up Thine arms, and the Dragons of Passing away were as dust: Thou who didst raise Thine Thoughts, and the Crocodile of Nile was abased before Thee!

O Thou whose Nemyss hideth the Formation with night, the impervious Blue!

Thou who travellest in the Dinghy of Ra, endless at the Helm of the Aftet expertise and of the Sektet boat!

Thou who bearest the Personnel of Reserve Power!

Thou about whose phantom is shed the murk of Cobalt Explanation, the profound esteem of the furthest Ether, the untravelled, the forbidden enormity of Coldness. Thou who concentrest all the Thirty Ethers in one darkling affair of Fire!

O Thou who bearest the Rose and Ill-tempered of Making and Light!

Officiant sets down the sword and turns to guard the meeting.

Chorus or Officiant: The Plan of the Five. The Plan of the Six. Eleven are the Voices.

All: Abrahadabra!


Officiant then turns back to the east and takes up the sword. This may be the identical single who officiated for the leader draw, or diverse.

Chorus or Officiant: Smack, go beyond the master chord! Design, withstand the Burning Sword! Crowned Infant and Winning Lord, Horus, avenger!

Officiant makes the Indication of Apophis and Typhon wielding the sword. After each of the supporting statements by the Officiant, all make the Indication of Apophis and Typhon and say "Thee, Thee, I do magic tricks" determinedly.

By thy name of Ra, I do magic tricks Thee, Hawk of the Sun, the winning one!

By thy name Harmachis, youth of the Amazing Morning, I do magic tricks Thee!

By thy name, Mau, I do magic tricks Thee, Lion of the The middle of the day Sun!

By thy name Tum, Hawk of the Boring, garnet splendour of the Nightfall, I do magic tricks Thee!

By thy name Khep-Ra I do magic tricks Thee, O Jut out over of the secret Mastery of Midnight!

By thy name Heru-pa-Kraat, Lord of Subtle, Lissom Infant that standest on the Dragons of the Eager, I do magic tricks Thee!

By thy name Apollo, I do magic tricks Thee, O man of Stuffiness and splendour, O essayist, O father!

By thy name of Phoebus, that drivest thy chariot through the Paradise of Zeus, I do magic tricks Thee!

By thy name of Odin I do magic tricks Thee, O warrior of the North, O Title of the Sagas!

By thy name of Jeheshua, O child of the Burning Baptize, I do magic tricks Thee!

By Thine own, Thy secret name Hoori, Thee I invoke!

Officiant sets down the sword and turns to guard the meeting.

Chorus or Officiant: The Names are Five. The Names are Six. Eleven are the Names!

All: Abrahadabra!

Officiant: Behold! I stand in the midst. Outlook is the symbol of Osiris; to Thee are spring eyes ever turned. Unto the splendour of Geburah, the Lavishness of Chesed, the mystery of Daath, thither I raise up up spring eyes. This enfold I sought, and I enfold sought the Unity: taste Thou me!


Officiant then takes up the sword. This may be the identical single who officiated for the aged draw, or diverse. Officiant makes the Indication of Apophis and Typhon wielding the sword. After each of the supporting statements by the Officiant, all make the Indication of Apophis and Typhon and say "Thee, Thee, I do magic tricks" determinedly.

Outlook is the Thoughts of the Man, and my supportive is uncommunicative as the Hawk's. By my shallowness I do magic tricks Thee!

I am the only-begotten child of my Jump and Mother. By my body I do magic tricks Thee!

A quantity of me shine the Diamonds of Spark white and sizeable. By their glare I do magic tricks Thee!

Outlook is the Red Triangle Upturned, the Indication unquestionable of none, supply it be of Thee, O Lord! By the Lamen I do magic tricks Thee!

Outlook is the garment of white sewn with gold, the magnificent abbai that I wear. By my robe I do magic tricks Thee!

Outlook is the sign of Apophis and Typhon! By the sign I do magic tricks Thee!

Outlook is the turban of white and gold, and spring the morose vigour of the stop trading air! By my lid I do magic tricks Thee!

My mystic sigils travel in the Bark of the Akasa! By the spells I do magic tricks Thee!

I supply the Personnel of Reserve Decree in the Plan of the Master - Abrahadabra! By the word I do magic tricks Thee!

Outlook are the dark-blue top of music in the hymn that I completed of old to do magic tricks Thee - Smack, go beyond the master chord! Design, withstand the Burning Sword! Crowned Infant and Winning Lord, Horus, avenger! By the Hymn I do magic tricks Thee!

In my hand is thy Sword of Revenge ; let it go beyond at Thy Bidding! By the Sword I do magic tricks Thee!

Officiant sets down the sword and turns to guard the meeting.

Chorus or Officiant: The Plan of the Five. The Plan of the Six. Eleven are the Voices.

All: Abrahadabra!


Officiant then takes up the sword. This may be the identical single who officiated for the aged draw, or diverse. Officiant makes the Indication of Apophis and Typhon wielding the sword. After each of the supporting statements by the Officiant, all make the Indication of Apophis and Typhon and say "ABRAHADABRA!" determinedly.

Outlook is the Thoughts of the Hawk!

I am the only-begotten-child of Osiris Thy Jump, and Isis Thy Mother. He that was slain; She that unwind me in Her womb above ground from the Frighten of the Hose.

My Apron is of magnificent white, whiter than the Ridge of the Morning!

I enfold formulated my Jump and completed splendid my Mother!

My garment is of golden esteem with the azure bars of sky!

I didst avenge the Worry of Death; I am the natural disaster of Typhon!

I lifted my arms, and the Dragons of Passing away were as dust: I raised my Thoughts, and the Crocodile of Nile was abased before me!

My Nemyss hides the Formation with night, the impervious Blue!

I travel in the Dinghy of Ra, endless at the Helm of the Aftet expertise and of the Sektet boat!

I supply the Personnel of Reserve Power!

A quantity of my phantom is shed the murk of Cobalt Explanation, the profound esteem of the furthest Ether, the untravelled, the forbidden enormity of Coldness. I trench all the Thirty Ethers in one darkling affair of Fire!

I supply the Rose and Ill-tempered of Making and Light!

All nickname the Indication of Apophis and Typhon supporting the carry on "ABRAHADABRA."

Officiant: Thus I say unto thee: Drift forth and stop dead in me; so that every my Strength of character, whether of the Firmament, or of the Ether, or of the World or under the Earth; on dry land or in the Hose, or Revolving Air or of Increase of rate Fire; and every spell and bane of God the Talented One may be THOU.

All: Abrahadabra!

A meditation upon Horus may be extra at this point, delineated by the dread dingle.

Officiant: Nearby is success. I now substantiate this temple strictly bunged.

Officiant then gives one toss with the banishing pointed tooth.


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