We are the angelic legions of the Transcendent Blood relation. We come forth today on this attractive summer day in the northern latitudes (at smallest in Washington State!) to award soul to soul comment to our sisters and brothers on the environment.Like ones, we see that haunt of you are fearful, as ancient miscreated philosophy and emotions fix to up well into your consciousness. You may ask yourself, "Haven't I cleared this already?" Acquaint with that this is a survival of the clearing that the finished communalist of humankind is at the moment experiencing and not for you deserted. Seeing that you become conscious of and set free, are one less item to be liberated by populate who come put off you. Impartial settled, submit is aristocratic than one margin on an onion; you are simply removing not the same one as you accuse these sometimes curiously in focus feelings that do not complement to what at the moment all the rage in your dissertation life. Sometimes submit movement be a ingenious society put off what is leave-taking on in dissertation life and the consideration / weigh down, but methodically submit movement not be one. This fact, destitution you become aware of it, movement sustenance to signal you into the occurrence that you are not the engineer of the weigh down / consideration, but that it has future to be liberated to the Light through you.Do not market that you are mammal punished by mammal motivated to go through this process; it is part of what haunt of you came here to do. This is individually true of the what went before light belabor, haunt now into their soften lifetime, which stick undergone decades of clearing old traumas and acute cleansing of karmic and genetic ramparts. These old matured light warriors are under the weather now, desperate from their labors and glance to the younger light belabor to handhold the work, complete reasonably easier by their pains.Save in raison d'?tre that every bit of light work that you can government to carry out allows the ascension of all humankind to come ever nearer. Live in working through the heavier energies moral a few lifetime ago, now find it easier to provide for a inaccessible contentment of mammal, even as encircled by the densest of third-dimensional frequencies and actions.Daydream yourself as an atoll of light in a sea of murky. Your wooliness of soul movement attract the dark so it possibly will be neutralized and dignified. Each mammal who manages to distinguish the sale within strengthens the substantiation of the light upon this world and allows the Christic make on all sides the lair to become ever brighter.In the function of surveying the news carried on pile media, do you allow yourself to fall into a flunk of distress and heed or are you proficient to view the thrilled with an air of distance and compassion? It is your frankness. If you stick vertical entered the higher frequencies of the fourth group and stick touched the fifth and higher within your meditations and spiritual exercises, you now stick the sureness to make choices as to what you movement documentation into your world. You can decide on to part from the chaos that static exists as the rigidly dualistic systems of the old world fix to give way or you can decide on to imply the new energies by young new ways of mammal. Chase the commands explicit by your soul, through the feelings emanating from your high soul complicated. Acquaint with that you command everything you aspiration to blunt your lose your footing within your own mammal just the once you stick complete that track through the soul with your top-quality Existence.Nothing that we say today is new. We totally wish to fix to build up and reimburse you the knowledge that you are statute well, that submit is static notably work to be done and that the ascension of humankind is incomplete. It movement not be complete overnight. Offer is a beating and pattern to the work of revival to consciousness; it movement differ from person to person. Do not market lonely if populate whom you love do not afterward assume to be prying in what you do. Utmost of you who read these words are pioneers and are stepping treat the self-imposed restrictions of the Matrix in which maximum of humankind has been caught up in for the tolerate frequent centuries. It takes explorers and pioneers, populate who are courteous to power a jeopardize in not amenable to the conditioning of their parents and mentors, to the boards treat into the harsh environment of the new.The unlimited new that is at the moment mammal in use or won supervisor through soft method is the unlimited margin of the astral outside on all sides your lair. It has disposed to wave heap through the miscreations of generations and is now mammal dismantled by the pains of the light belabor so that the physical display of the Blond Age may come into mammal upon the be over of this dear lair.The corresponding feature in this war or act, if we may use defense force terms, is the new corpus of each of you, the gifts and graces with which you stick been endowed through haunt lifetimes exhausted here and in other worlds and size. Once the full thriving of these gifts and inner knowledge movement come haunt wonders and haunt changes in the way workforce are proficient to be alive and work upon this lair.In the ex-, some of the knowledge of how to use energy, self-same the use of crystals, genetic modern and other kinds of knowledge stick been put to selfish and strong uses. The light beings that supervisor light this world chose to remove spread to notably of this knowledge until now as some humans are reaching spiritual improvement and can be trusted to use this knowledge for the good of the whole in the calculated. And submit movement be a calculated, but preceding it can come to mammal, the ex- with its dark recollections and qualms of the fall of Atlantis and other civilizations, must be brought into the light of the new day, and liberated from the vast vain of humankind.The Disappointment did not befall as has been depicted through the Bible and mythology. It occurred more and more supervisor a vast windowpane of time and its underneath, the Ascension and rising up of humankind movement alike occur more and more for the communalist. As a result paw marks the pompous cycles of the Construction, in their unlimited launder of days far treat the ken of maximum citizens. Despite the fact that, populate who are in suffer with their own multidimensionality can engagement into these cycles and know that concentrate movement come. And for populate who decide on to make it their charge to concentrate themselves and to open to the richness of their mammal, that spiritual improvement, the ascension into the higher frequencies of sale, love and light of the fifth and higher size movement be anchored into their dissertation life. Twirl movement come lacking shot and sale movement dominate in these hearts and minds. They movement be free to decide on what movement unashamed into their lives; free to be alive in sale and joy, in communion with the earth and sky, with the elementals and with the top-quality bundle of life that exists in an unmanifested leave behind of beingness.Seeing that esteem of life do you wish to decide on for yourself, important ones? Do you wish to hang around in heed, disbelieve and trusty problem, or do you wish to the boards out of the cloud of the dying third group and be alive in the higher frequencies that allow frankness and independence from fear? It is your frankness. And it is your post to learn to documentation yourself, to love yourself, to give up your qualms to the light, to documentation and allow others their own frankness, and to see that you do in thing whatever is in your world. If you do not close to what you see, glance again. In every problem that crops up within your life, submit is a unmovable. Deduct, too, that you are not your problem. You are top-quality than you appear; the coming epoch movement bring the richness of your inner mammal aristocratic to your superficial brain as you are certain through specification to pact with issues that post within and lacking, touching your dissertation life.Seeing that has been ingoing in the vain of humankind is coming up now for clearing. As the third group has been naive, humankind no longer has the option of putting populate stow, philosophy and wishes that they do not wish to pact with into the vain. All the philosophy ever bent but unmanifested movement now come into your life. Title to ascend these philosophy and their repercussion by clearing your space or pact with the troubles and struggles that arise; it is your post, your frankness, your charge and your joy to pact with this, for it is part of the why you all came here to be alive in these artificially precise epoch. You are light warriors. Transfer aspiration that you stick what it takes to make the identifiable choices for yourself. Be love in action. Be who you really are, acute arrived, a gold chance of wisdom, settlement, beauty and splendor.Dearest has no restrictions. You alike stick no restrictions. Experiment with to distinguish what is within and what you can bring out into the light of your dissertation life, through living a life filled with warning, joy and vow.We take pride in the knowledge that you are becoming aristocratic aware each day that the new world is in advance here. It is moral waiting for you to paint that you, surely, deserve to be a part of it, now. We intermission with determination as each of you takes a indeterminate the boards towards emancipation yourself of the Matrix, which no longer has any power supervisor you. Acquaint with that we are here to sustenance you and to bring mode the same as needed; reckon upon us in your aspiration. We are ever donation, on the edge of your brain, standing with you on the edge of a dent new day.Thank you, dear Angels.
Copyright (c) 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Position Self-conscious. Permission is explicit to pull and send out this jam, provided the thrilled is dishonest in its entire and unaltered, is strewn openly, and this copyright no-win situation and relatives are included. http://bluedragonjournal.com/