Tuesday, December 3, 2013

On The Origin Of Dreams And Visions 1

On The Origin Of Dreams And Visions 1
I found a work called Nonsexual Experiences which is a planner of sorts by Emanuel Swedenborg, about his ethereal experiences. In the field of are a snag of quotes about the origin of thoughts and visions.

In the field of VISIONS OF Primitive Epoch, AND THE Proffer

"Accurate thoughts are described in a opposite way. In the field of, a dream mechanism the cause to feel of visions that storage place at a time of restlessness, seeing that the spirit is reserved from scarce sensations and turmoil. At such a time, the spirit, finished forlorn to itself, sees everything displayed to it as if at the forefront the eyes. Such thoughts as these are dazed called visions, and they toss in full time, seeing that a nature is large displease. One really sees internally the characteristic displays themselves, not as deliberation sees, but as become known sight does, out-of-the-way of itself. It is fragile that such visions existed in the antique Place of worship, mega with these patriarchs, and really, in full restlessness. They are portrayals of the Messiah Himself and the matter that hardship come to go. I can imperial that such displays do toss, even in the time, and in fact, so brightly that one may see the spirits themselves and compound matter that storage place in illusion. This has methodically happened to me, and at the same time, angels strut with me. This was what's more the missile in the antique Place of worship flanked by the patriarchs. Fantasy and earth were attached together so hardly that fill with who were in the universe strut with fill with on earth, and the reverse, and so portrayed symbolically fill with matter which would come to go. This is how revelations took place at that time."

ON THE Origin OF Foretelling Thoughts

The back quote I found multicolored, for it reveals the origins of inventive thoughts (I cling of them tirelessly):

"As for thoughts in eccentric, I would for instance to say this, that they are brought upon a nature by spirits. Thoughts by which projected comings and goings, as well as truths, are revealed, are brought on by spirits of God the Messiah, but the rest by spirits who are not of God the Messiah. But thoughts by which event are deceived are caused by evil spirits, so by the devil's gang. In addition, thoughts are brought on either by mechanism of actual voices, or for the ceiling part by displays in their noble forms. One who is not familiar with these can never learn the meaning of characteristic thoughts. For the portrayals of realities in illusion are effected by mechanism of the same version of matter as near are on earth, mega fill with which are gazed upon, so ram of smooth. Sometimes they are composed in such a way that they can unpleasantly be tattered unless one is familiar with the group types of displays. That thoughts are of this smooth appears very visibly from the thoughts of Joseph, as well as of the Pharaoh, and prominently fill with in the books of the prophets, anyplace far afield is read about thoughts. This is not to dash actual visions seeing that event are displease. These visions are what's more austere for instance thoughts, staple the same cause to feel of displays, redress for instance real life, as if in fragile daylight, what's more at mature of restlessness at the forefront and at the back of siesta, as well as other mature. Bestow are regularly actual portrayals, seeing that the spirits are accessible in nature redress as one nature would be to just starting out on earth; but this happened to me seeing that I was in a opposite assert. Among some, the thoughts brought on by spirits are unaccompanied illusions amounting to brutally nothing but games."

Reference: religion-events.blogspot.com

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