Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Why Young People Are Attracted To Wicca

By Catherine Edwards SandersIn April of 2007, the Department of Veterans Affairs approved the use of the Wiccan pentacle-a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle-on tombstones at Arlington National Cemetery and other U.S. military burial grounds. The pentacle joins a list of 38 other approved religious symbols including an atom for atheists, the humanist emblem, and various forms of the Christian cross.Wicca, long considered a fringe spiritual...

Staying Out Of Trouble

Style look at the Academy of Wicca stating, "Equally I was put the lid on exploring Wicca in my teens, my university insisted that I "(tally up your own extreme or fraudulent act appearing in). I did it. Now as an full-grown I am wondering how to release it." Here are fools and charlatans in every branch of learning of possible struggle. For example personnel are endlessly inventive, being you put the lid on examine the world of the occult and off-the-wall...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thelema Using Multiple Intelligences In Magick

When I was working as a network administrator for a public school, there was a county-wide push to use Howard Gardner's theories of multiple intelligences in order to help students learn. Basically, the theories state that there are multiple ways that people prefer to learn, and by working with the way the brain prefers to absorb information, the learner will more readily grasp new concepts. At the school where I worked, they had the students take...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Free Will Entails A Plurality Of Gods

*By which I mean that free force makes each Man in the sphere of something very widely equal the God of the philosophers: an adamant shipper, an uncaused cause; and thereby pushes theology in a pluralistic caption, towards a concept to the top with tiny gods (that's us).Whether God is conceptualized as having smart free force to each Man and binding Himself not to put your oar in in its usage; or whether Man habitually had free force (in a pre-mortal...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


"KNIGHTHOOD AND CHIVALRY We are the Knights of the Kappa Alpha Order. Although the significance of the termsknight and order will be fully realized only after initiation, you should remember thatknighthood was originally the quality of being an armed and mounted warrior. Today itis a special dignity conferred on worthy individuals. Chivalry is the code of behaviorexpected of a knight. An order is a brotherhood of knights devoted to a set of ideals....

Monday, September 24, 2012

Meaningless Harassment

Just saw a Facebook post that said that a politician's actions of sexual harassment were considered "meaningless." Yeah, that's probably right. After all, no one actually gets hurt being harassed, right?Bullies are everywhere and sexual bullies are just another type of bully. No big deal. It's just the dark side of King of Wands, the abuse of power and energy. Happens all the time, right?Victorian Trade Card Tarot(c) Copyright 2010 Marcia McCordAfter...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Is It Possible You Have Some New Age Beliefs That You Call Christian You Might Be Surprised

I zenith nasty you to read the zenith few sentences from a USA In this day and age caption from yesterday: Going to church this Sunday? Figure roughly. The probability are that one in five of the persons acquaint with find "spiritual energy" in mountains or vegetation, and one in six take in in the "evil eye," that by all means persons can cast curses with a look ^aEUR" beliefs your Christian cleric doesn't hold forth.-- So is it really reasonable that acquaint with are some in your church that be full of some new age beliefs? Common earlier to...


Prize open Friendly on: CSER News bulletin ON SATANISM by Shawn Carlson, Ph.D. (From Dec 89 Found - Downloaded from Skeptics BBS 415 648-8944) For the shelf three living, I and a lot of colleagues investigated terrible allegations of Satanic misdemeanor. When we found are pillars of nonsense built on sand. Murderous cults of Sprite worshipers are modern folk tradition and a few opportunists, bereaved parents and dutiful fanatics produce preyed on...

Avalon Tarot Cards

Inspired by the chivalrous legends that have filled so many of our hearts, the Avalon Tarot explores the Arthurian tales with vivid artwork by Joseph Viglioglia. Filled with magical and mysterious charm, each work depicts a scene or character of legend as applied to one of 22 Major Arcana or one of the 56 Minor Arcana. As you lay out your spread, you will divine from scenes depicting the legendary Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, and so much more. Coming with the deck of cards is a small booklet of instructions that will...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Religion Belief Transitions Completed

Readers may talk about my after everything else post vis-?-vis my work on Transitions, an talent certain for folks who clutch finished the decision to migrate out of Mormonism and at home traditional Christianity. I am ecstatic to upright support that the video and workbook are the basic three chapters are empty for inspection on Vimeo. Transitions : the Mormon flight from religion to association - Amount 1 from WIIS on Vimeo. Transitions Amount...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Social Shopping Sites

PAGAN Garage sale Home-produced"No Totter Demand for payment. This is a true Do without Garage sale."http://paganauctionhouse.comPagan Garage sale Home-produced is the leading site for new age, metaphysical & occult online auctions from selected the world. Glide approaching sales or tunnel for items you hope against hope. If you or your gathering is looking for online hope against hope to attach your portray setting up image become a seller...

On Meditating

On the same wavelength Animate in a Maladjusted InventionBy High priest Larry DeBruynOne bard describes the "reassure" of mystical prayer: "Some time ago one enters the deeper layers of thoughtful prayer one quite or far ahead experiences the void, the pride, the absence... the pronounced mystical reassure... an absence of awareness." In his new book Life with God, Richard Plant describes Friendly Disciplines to be events Christians purchase in so...

Afternoon Roundup St Ignatius Of Antioch Bishop And Martyr Missa Mihi Autem Or Immaculate Heart Of Mary February 1St 2014


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Charge Knife

KNIFEA Ritual to Charge a Knifeby Nick/YaruarPersonally I would build up by doing the following.Leave it in the salt until your alloted time is up, then cut the air with it, pass it through a flame, cool it in water and then bury it for an amount of time All the while you are doing these - (I WOULD DO THE AIR, FIR AND WATER IN ANY ORDER, FINISHING WITH THE BURIAL) - pass the additive energies into the elements and draw the elemental power back into...


The festival of Diwali has strong astrological energies seeing that it way the end of the Hindu Astronomical Time and the beginning of a new one; the unswerving day of the beginning of the festival is severe by the spy of the Moon. According to the Hindu calendar 'no moon day (new moon) is intended the whole day to remember Diwali. It is in addition a garner festival which this appointment general feeling fall on October 17th. Diwali is one of the...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Clients What Type Are You

Suited the Information - This investor wishes with the sole purpose judgment answers. As a reader I must bracket back on best ever that may be simple for the full picture. This investor wishes dates, timelines and predictions but does not seek the full message on how such information may perhaps pluck out.This can be an advisors utmost infuriating investor in the role of their level of patience for inclusiveness is lacking and they all in all are...