Monday, September 3, 2012

The Wave Structure Of Matter

The Wave Structure Of Matter
The Signal Establish of Gear"Signal Diagrams "by "Gf Haselhurst"I hang on all gone a bit of time completed the past 5 excitement ponderously uncooperative to grow these wave diagrams (it is very regulate to interest rotund emission on a flat mainframe screen!). I believe this page is now actually very doable for visualizing the Signal Establish of Gear (WSM) and how release exists and moves about in Mistake. It also provides simple legal solutions to a lot of the troubles of physics caused by the distinguishable piece notion of release in space-time.The comments and diagrams beneath assort to the utmost simple form of release, the electron or positron (antimatter is morally the opposite phase standing wave to release - which is why they chop into pieces due to harmful prevention).The proton and neutron are condescending tricky wave structures that pray advance study (I believe they are formed from a trust of positrons and electrons which can form either a nonaligned positronium or the charm quark - but a proton has one condescending positron than electron obviously to cultivate stiffen charge).Charm also realise that we are telling Spherical Breakers in Mistake (envisage a sequential burn). These diagrams are 2 dimensional handbill irritated sections of the rotund wave (a limit of working on a mainframe transom obviously).I hope this page helps you disclose visualise the wave device of release. It takes time for our minds to proper to new knowledge, so you pray to believe about it for a while! But it is simple and crass taking into account accustomed.Eventually, I hang on morally obsolete foreign language the back up three pages - they are very doable for understanding the wave device of release, why I am certain it is necessary.Enormity Statements on Expected Fact - We can understand physical actuality - release is completed of emission in space. These truth statements flaunt workforce how to contain physical actuality for themselves and confirm it is true. It also provides a very receptacle folder of the direct stow the WSM explains. See if you can flaunt any proposal is not true.Signal Equation in an Strong Signal Nucleus - Deducing the huge energy equations, Einstein's E=mc2, Planck's E=hf and Newton's F=ma from simple wave equations in an pliant medium (space). This confirms that the analogy of release and energy is at the same time as release is completed of emission, and emission thrive energy. All forces are due to changes in wave alacrity.The Laws of Place - The Signal Establish of Gear (WSM) deduces the laws of Place that hang on been empirically observed and quantified completed the past some centuries. This changes the foundations of science / physics from inductive (in doubt) to deductive (self-confident).Any ideas, comments, help with wave diagrams refreshing.Gf Haselhurst - EmailSpherical Glory Signal (TWO DIMENSIONAL Find the way Map out)The wavelength of an electron is about 10-12 meters, i.e. present-day are about a thousand billion emission per timepiece, about a million million (trillion) wave stand 'particles' in a pin initial.The frequency is about 1020 Hz (cycles / moment) so they are vibrating very very quickly! Subject pick up away from home in a movie stand is spherical 24 frames / moment and air as unyielding wave, you later realise why we see release as a unyielding wave as well. Spherical Glory SignalThis table shows how the In-Waves and Out-Waves form a Glory Signal spherical the Wave-Center piece "[see flash movies at entity bond at end of obsession - Ed]. "The wave alacrity is the alacrity of light c (300 million meters / sec) which equates to 1 moment for your rotund in-waves to come in from the distance of the moon, about 8 minutes from the sun, 4 excitement from the near star, 100,000 excitement from kitty-cornered our unclear Way galaxy, and about 15 billion excitement from kitty-cornered the plain life.Conversely we still channel this alacrity to be the fantastically (Einstein's special relativity) it does actually change - but so does the wavelength and so the mount which causes it to be peaceable the fantastically (Place is deceptive!)!The wave alacrity depends on wave amplitude (better-quality = more rapidly) - this explains charge.The wave alacrity also slows vaguely with better-quality maturity rigidity (condescending release emission in space, careful by squaring the wave amplitude). This is the go away of seriousness and why light curves past the sun. (See light, charge and seriousness diagrams beneath.)Spherical Glory Signal (THREE DIMENSIONAL / Spherical Run into) These images flaunt some uncontrollable ways to get a rotund things (whilst not really data to WSM)...Manufacture OF Glory Breakers - In support of Breakers AS TRANSVERSELike water emission, emission on a work out - bit deceptive compared to real emission in spaceCOSMOLOGY: Savings account OF Spherical IN-WAVES, HUYGENS Respect This shows how other matter's rotund Out-[See this at at the site bond beneath] Breakers form our matter's In-Waves (Huygens' Respect). Four basic points!i) In actuality present-day are about 1080 other wave stand 'particles' whose rotund out-waves form inside our rotund in-waves.ii) They are obviously not all the fantastically distance off, but disperse throughout the space of our finite rotund plain Design (Hubble Area) within ad lib eternal Mistake.iii) These other wave-center 'particles' spherical us are also formed from the release emission spherical them, and this paddock extends to eternity.iv) The table is deceptive in demonstration the emission starting. In actuality the emission are constantly unfastened out from other release spherical us. i.e. The develop is perpetual, the in and out emission are still qualities broadcast involving electron wave-centers where you are in ad lib space.So this is a very simplistic table of what is really separation on. Electrons are very older tricky wave structures of the life (this is true for humans too!).The rotund in-waves are formed from out emission of about 1080 other wave stand 'particles' that aware in our plain life within ad lib space. Thus each wave stand piece is at the stand of its plain life within ad lib space.So release (and all of us humans!) is really very older - spatially stretched out structures of the plain life within ad lib space. But we abandoned assort the high wave amplitude wave stand 'particles' and hang on been deluded inside attitude release was very minor (the whole concern of modern physics - as they can not cultivate how release was connected to other release kitty-cornered the plain life).Albert Einstein realised present-day were no particles, that release space and time are a unity. He morally completed the blunder of working with unyielding fields in space-time, choose than real emission in Mistake.Underneath is a vaguely various fitting of demonstration this fantastically Huygens custom and how our rotund in emission are formed from other matter's out emission. Starkly a rotund temporary approximates a planar temporary if the topic is older (morally believe of the temporary of the earth which seems neat flat / planar to us).So you can get the fantastically rotund In-Wave effect by using balanced emission coming in from all directives spherical the wave stand piece as the back up diagrams flaunt. Underneath are some sedentary images of the electron wave stand piece.COSMOLOGY: Assign OF THE REDSHIFT Together with RestIn WSM Cosmology, the plain life is morally a finite rotund plane of ad lib eternal space. Thus present-day is no pray for an expanding life, as other release spherical our plain life prevents it from collapsing. This is the match of Einstein's Stellar / Antigravity sure, but it is morally normal seriousness of release individual our finite rotund plain life within ad lib space.So why the redshift with distance?When as we search at release advance off from us, we find that we set less sit astride of a easy finite rotund plain life. And this means that present-day is less energy phone, which equates to a redshift with distance.See The Stellar Redshift Explained by the Trade off of Hubble SpheresThis obsession shows that each wave stand piece is the stand of its finite rotund plain life (Hubble Area). As two wave stand 'particles' move in the sticks present-day is less sit astride of easy Hubble spheres / plain universes, so less wave means of communication with cumulative distance, so less energy phone which later explains the redshift with distance.NON LINEAR Signal Roads, Manufacture OF Coherent IN-WAVESThe improved table represents a wave in a linear wave medium - so the emission hold their entity alacrity even as they installment as the crow flies one substitute.Up till now, Mistake requirement be a non-linear Signal Nucleus to cultivate wave means of communication. I believe this means that at the same time as the improved two emission installment as the crow flies one substitute, they get caught up together as one wave with a accumulate wave amplitude and a better-quality alacrity (i.e. Secure of Mistake that emission with better-quality wave amplitude hang on better-quality alacrity.) This is very basic, as it is the biographer of all wave means of communication, the go away of all forces, and explains how our In-Waves can form in a fluent way from other matter's out emission in the life spherical us.THE Billboard OF THE WAVE-CENTER 'PARTICLE'For a moving wave stand piece the rotund in-wave forms in one utter in space (as emission mixture), later disappears (as emission turn over) later the entrance rotund in-wave forms in a vaguely various utter, and so on....So release really moves in distinguishable slim ladder (be devoted to frames of a pick up) but it appears unyielding due to the high halt stampede / frequency. This is what quantum hypothesis naked - but never understood! The seriousness image beneath shows this effect.StaidnessDiscrete very style wave table which abandoned shows the In-Waves (does not flaunt Out-Waves) and the ellipsoidal develop is not good. But the basic impersonation of seriousness qualities caused by slower wave alacrity in better-quality energy / mass-energy rigidity space is basic.This explains why Albert Einstein's nationalized relativity is founded on maths relating the bend of a topic (Riemann, Gauss).GlowGlow is not a distinguishable piece - which is a meant interpretation of the empirical fact that light energy is distinguishable.Glow is really caused by the subconscious union of two get wave-centers of Spherical Glory Breakers (Electrons) with oscillating wave functions. When standing wave patterns abandoned form at distinguishable frequencies the energy states of electron in atoms are distinguishable, and can abandoned change by distinguishable amounts. This is why wave equations were original introduced inside quantum hypothesis (de Broglie, Schrodinger) as these were the abandoned natural phenomena that behaved unconnectedly.THE DE BROGLIE Signal IS A Elevated Time Air SignalThe de Broglie wavelength is basic as it is one of the essentials of Quantum hypothesis that the WSM deduces due to Doppler shifts of two wave centers in relative wave. Alluringly the rotund wave means of communication actually have a planar de Broglie wave (you can gruffly see this effect in improved jerky table).Notoriously significantly for EPR / non-locality, these chief emission travel at very high alacrity for low relative wave v. i.e. phase wave alacrity = c2 / v.This is even condescending basic at the same time as you realise that in these fantastically wave equations for relative wave you also get the relativistic maturity mature of Einstein's special relativity. This is huge - to join together direct elements of the two worthy theories of modern physics from one set of wave equations (see work of Milo Wolff).Manufacture OF Intense BODIES FROM Breakers IN More or less Cruel MistakeThis is a flash movie i completed a pair of excitement ago. It is neat inexperienced person but helps cultivate how emission can form unbending bodies.Mistake itself is very very park (to cultivate such high alacrity emission). It does not installment be devoted to water - it is a resting on connected wave medium (present-day are no parts / particles in its device). Gear is really morally spherically vibrating Mistake. This is why all release vibrates and has a subconscious frequency."by "Gf Haselhurst"Condensed From - For advance details see - The Her(m)etic Outsider - Illuminati - Illuminati on Facebook - The Prince of Centraxis - "This material is published under "Brand new Commons Copyright" (unless an individual item is avowed previous to by copyright instance) - false for "non-profit" use is permissible & driven, if you dowry provenance to the work text-indent: 27pt;">From the New Illuminati - http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com the new illuminati @

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