Today I would like to share about meditation and what difference it has made in my life.
For the longest time I started my day by just getting up in the morning when the alarm went off, tired or rested, grouchy because of some bad dreams or happy because something good was waiting for me that day. It all depended on outside circumstances and I had little control about how the day would unfold. The same applied at night. If the day went well, everything was working out smoothly and harmoniously, and I could lay down to sleep in a relaxed and happy state. If it was one of those days where everything went wrong, maybe an argument with my loved ones or coworkers happened that day, I carried this state of mind into my dreams and consequently had bad dreams or slept very restlessly.
Getting to know and experience the spiritual practices of Tao made a big change in me. I learned that I can actually create my own day from the beginning to the end through meditation. Meditation can take place any time, anywhere. You don't have to sit in a lotus position to meditate. In the beginning, of course, it is helpful to find a quiet and peaceful place so you can focus well. Later you develop meditation as a lifestyle. Your whole day and night can be meditation. This means you can be mindful, peaceful, and in the moment all the time.
Start by setting aside some time for meditation, preferably in the early morning and again right before bed. Meditation in the morning helps me to feel appreciation for life. I set my goal for the day with a bright and positive attitude. CREATIVE IDEAS SPRING FORTH AND I CAN START MY DAY WITH MOTIVATION AND FOCUS. At night, it helps me to calm my mind and become quiet and relaxed. I reflect on the day, check the outcome of the goal I set in the morning and come to some conclusion. I can purify the whole day and return to zero. I know a deep and restful sleep is waiting for me.
If you would like to try it, here are some meditation guidelines that work for me:
In the morning as soon as I wake up, I have a feeling of gratitude for the new day and begin to smile. I focus on mindful breathing and connect my mind with my body. Now I can easily get out of bed. I do some stretching exercises to open up my meridians. I create a peaceful environment with candlelight and incense. There are many methods to quiet your mind. What I find very helpful is doing some vibration exercise. It lowers my brainwaves and enhances blood and energy circulation in my body. Afterwards I sit down and do mindful breathing. At this time my thoughts subside and my mind gets quieter. My palms face each other in front of my chest without touching. Soon I can start to feel ki energy. It can be perceived as a slight, subtle vibration or a warm or magnetic sensation noticeable in my hands. Through relaxed concentration I grow this sensation and my hands begin to move with the energy. Slowly my arms, shoulders, and my whole body follow. Once my whole body is fully awakened, I put my hands down on my knees. Although my body is quiet, you can feel a very active energy circulate through my whole body. I keep focusing on my breathing. By now it is slow and deep. My brainwaves are in a meditative state and I might receive messages if I ask.
All the answers to our questions are within each of us. When you reach this meditative state, you can hear the answers to your questions if you choose to and create your life according to what you truly want and desire.
"By Ulrike Schmidt-Hughes, an instructor at Sedona Mago Retreat"
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
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Make A Difference In Your Life With Meditation
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