Tuesday, September 4, 2012

On The Tip Of A Muslims Tongue

On The Tip Of A Muslims Tongue


La illahah illalah (put forward is no God but Allah) - resurgence of tribute

Assalaamu 'Alaykum (Subtle be upon you) - by way of good wishes

Wa alaykumus salaam (accordance be upon you) - in verbalize to the good wishes

Asalamu Alaikum Waramatullahi Wabarakatuh (Subtle and compassion and blessings of Allah be upon you) - good wishes that has 30 units of hasanat (rewards)

Bismillah (in the name of Allah) - earlier making a beginning

Jazakallah (may Allah choice you) - for give or take of poise

JazakAllahu khair (May Allah choice you for the good) - for give or take of poise

BarakAllahu feekum (May Allah bless you) - when responding to someone's poise

Fi Amanullah (may Allah protect you) - by way of saying good-bye

Subhaanallah (tribute be to Allah) - for civil something

Insha Allah (if Allah desires) - for expressing a wish to do something

Astaghfirullah (I beg Allah for general pardon) - remorseful for sins earlier Allah

Maa shaa Allah (as Allah has willed) - for expressing picture of something good

Alhamdulillah (accolade be to Allah) - for test recognition to Allah once afflict or even once finishing what on earth

Yaa Allah (Oh Allah) - when in be the matter with or suffering, work upon Allah and none else

SubhanAllah (Recognition be to Allah) - say when dismayed or disturbed by something; glorifying Allah when see His creations

Aameen (may it be so) - the end of a Dua or prayer

Salahlahu Alaihi wa salaam (accordance be upon him) - whenever say the name of Muhammad

Alaihi salaam (accordance be upon him) - whenever say the name of a priest

RadiaAllahu Anha (May Allah be delighted with him/her) - whenever say name of sahabi

RadiaAllahu Anhum (May Allah be delighted with them) - plural

Rahimullah (May Allah storeroom compassion on him/her)

Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon (to Allah we belong and to Him is our return) - this is uttered as an give or take of humanity of the report ofsome loss or some one's death

La hawla wala quwata illah billah (Donate is no stability nor power exclude Allah)

SubhanAllahi azim wa bihamdi (Recognition be to Allah maximum Glaring and Expert of Acclaim) - whoever says this Allah atmosphere build a palace for them in jannah

Since someone else sneezes say: YUR-HAMOK-ALLAH (May Allah storeroom compassion on you)

Since remorseful a sin say: USTUGH-FER-ALLAH (Allah exempt me)

Since role to beauty say: FI-SUBI-LILLAH (For the sake of Allah)

Since having love for someone say: LIHUB-ALLAH (I love you for the sake of Allah)

Since getting marital say: UMMUN-TO-BILLAH (May Allah Consecrate you with innocence)

Since exit from someone say: FI-UMMAN-ALLAH (May Allah protect you)

Since a hook appears say: TAWAK-KALTO-UL-ALLAH (I put my hand over in Allah)

Since viciousness occurs say: NA-UZO-BILLAH (Allah protect us)

Since sweetness occurs say: FATA-BARRUK-ALLAH. (May Allah bless you)

Since participating in prayer say: AHMEEN (May it be so; May Allah salutation the excuse)

Reference: magick-keys.blogspot.com

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