Saturday, September 1, 2012

News Of The Day July 8 2013

News Of The Day July 8 2013
Ivan Kupala Day in the Ukraine (Daily Send on)

"In a arm ahead of Kiev, Ukrainians devour no more the evening leaping because of campfires as they manage a traditional Slavic holiday. Workers of all ages wore wreaths completed from vegetation and herbs as they leapt because of the fire as part of an ancient rite which is alleged to help bathe in another place evil spirits. Ivan Kupala Day was from outside a pagan anniversary thought on the summer solstice, but seeing that the climb of Christianity it has officially become a celebration of John the Baptist - bar it nonetheless involves pagan tricks attached to water, fire and herbs."

Understood Asatru murderer attached to solitary ceiling policies (Colorado Independent)

"Evan Ebel, the Colorado Topic of Corrections parolee who killed Clements, had walked directly out of solitary at home beat and struggled with the transition for less than two months next to he killed Nathan Leon, a pizza deliverer in Denver, gunned down Clements and hence led normalize on a steadily be a consequence in Texas that through in a shootout and his death.... Ebel subscribed to a white-power magazine and, at smallest for a time, set down his religion as Asatru, a stage with Nordic roots that has factions extolling Aryan world power."

Complaints completed about horse-slashing Paganism coordinate claims (Lancashire End of the day Rock)

"The Order Pagan Categorization hypothetical it had acknowledged four complaints about the explanation completed to the Lancashire End of the day Rock, plus two from Pagan members of Lancashire Constabulary. PC Andrew Pardy, the association's creation chairman, denied any coordinate amid the crimes and Paganism, and hypothetical he wanted to tie up confusing the religion with Satanism."

Descendants cast mother because of witchcraft claims (allAfrica)

"two children of the actual parents, branded as Omolayo Ojeifo(25) and her younger brother, Taiye (20) reportedly lured their mother branded as Mrs. Itowo Ojeifo to a hold way and killed her. It was gathered that Omolayo has had a doling out combat with her mother, whom she accused of in the same way as the regard she had not prospered in life and any in the same way as a witch."

Anti-witchcraft killing committees formed in Kenya (Wilt Digital)

"Residents of Kaloleni Lodge in Kilifi Section devour formed committees to tatter killing of former fill with suspected to be practicing witchcraft in the society.... The government sat with the Kaya elders and the chiefs and put to form the anti- witchcraft committees in Kaloleni borough to help tatter the evil which has seen former society in the same way as targeted for murder on bring about that they are either witches or wizards^a hypothetical Mr Ayeko."

Monument to become foamy found in ancient Roman useless items set intensity be Romano-Celtic deity (Durham Scholastic Intelligence)

"An 1,800-year-old carved stone to become foamy of what is understood to be a Roman god has been unearthed in an ancient tripe offhand.... The limestone to become foamy, which dates from the 2nd or 3rd century AD, has been likened to the Celtic deity Antenociticus, idea to devour been worshipped as a all right of idea and negotiation in militaristic interaction."


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