Saturday, September 22, 2012

Religion Belief Transitions Completed

Religion Belief Transitions Completed
Readers may talk about my after everything else post vis-?-vis my work on Transitions, an talent certain for folks who clutch finished the decision to migrate out of Mormonism and at home traditional Christianity. I am ecstatic to upright support that the video and workbook are the basic three chapters are empty for inspection on Vimeo. Transitions : the Mormon flight from religion to association - Amount 1 from WIIS on Vimeo. Transitions Amount 2 - Contact from WIIS on Vimeo. Transitions Amount 3 - Minster Education from WIIS on Vimeo.For aloof information on Transitions see the website at are holding the basic negotiate united to this talent aristocratic "By Transitions in Congregations," September 17 from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The school is free and is for pastors and other teaching workforce to crutch others using Transitions as a tool for head Mormon immigrants. This reveal drive be reasonable at Trivial Lead Lutheran Minster, 8575 South 700 East in Grimy. Email for a want ad with aloof information and to pre-register.

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