Saturday, July 28, 2012

Restore Balance In Your Life With The Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies

Restore Balance In Your Life With The Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies
Do you struggle with ongoing depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue or nagging illnesses? Do you have reoccurring negative thoughts? Does all of this interfere with your daily life? Does it interfere with your your relationships with other or even your job? The For Dummies brand created a book to help you with these struggles in their newest Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies. I received a copy of this book to review. My own opinions are expressed below.



Mindfulness is a proven meditation technique that can help you restore balance in your personal life. Now, the author of "Mindfulness For Dummies" shows you step-by-step how to put the lessons of his book into practice.Inside you'll find a huge number of hands-on exercises and techniques to help you to live in the present, let go of negative, distracting, and judgmental thoughts, and achieve greater happiness and contentment in your life.

* Mindfulness can be applied to a range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue, or illness
* Practicing mindfulness promotes well-being and improves quality of life
* The audio CD contains guided meditations to enhance the practical guidance within the book

"Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies" gives you the tools you need to pay attention to the present without judgment, and build a happier life.

MY TAKE ON THE BOOK:Here is the breakdown of chapters:PART 1 Getting Started with Mindfulness- Beginning Your Mindfulness Journey and Enjoying the Benefits of Mindfulness- What a great introduction to mindfulness and full of information on what it is, the origins and what it means. There are different types of mindfulness and the books leads you into choosing your learning method. I'M STILL IN PART ONE OF THIS BOOK! IT ISN'T A QUICK READ BECAUSE THERE IS SO MUCH GOOD STUFF FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT AND SHARE. The part leads you to discover and be in more tun with your body, mind, emotions and how to be yourself. PART 2 Preparing Yourself for Mindful Living-Setting a Healthy Intention and Mindful Attitude and Discovering a Mindful Mode of Mind- This part leads you to discover your intentions and value and how to have mindful attitude and deal with unhelpful attitudes. PART 3 Practising Mindfulness- Engaging in Mindfulness Mediation, Living Mindfully Day to Day, Getting Started on an Eight-week Mindfulness Course and Beyond and Overcoming Difficulties in Mindfulness Practice- I can't wait to get to this chapter and learn more about focusing on breathing mediation as well as all the other mediation exercises.There is also an 8 week course on Mindfulness which is for you to work on with a therapist or by yourself.PART 4 Enjoying the Rewards of Mindfulness-Boosting Your Happiness Mindfully, Using Mindfulness to Reduce Stress, Anger and Tiredness, Reducing Anxiety and Depression with Mindfulness, Healing Your Body Naturally and Bringing the Benefits of Mindfulness to Children- This part looks very helpful in dealing and managing stress. As a mom this will be helpful for myself and to teach it to my teens.PART 5 The Part of Tens- Ten Tips for a Mindful Life and Ten Ways to Motivate Yourself to Mediate-What a good wrap up part and I can't wait to get to it.

This book isn't one that you will zoom through aimless chapter by chapter. It will have you fully engaged and focused. Give it a try!


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