Sunday, July 15, 2012

Note To Readers

Note To Readers
I decision be rob a break from blogging for a week or so. I decision still be particular so if you compel to way in me plus you can variety me at my email in.MySecretHoodoo@mail.comToday is moreover "All Saint's Day" and tomorrow is "All Souls Day". It's moreover the "Dia de los Muertos". For the Wiccans and Neopagans, it's Samhain. No edition what you honor, the time of October 31 - November 2, is a time hard-wearing to the call back of and celebration of the blessed dead. If you don't accept an altar or ofrenda set up for the dead participating in this time and you desire concept of what you can do do look up to your dead, plus bread and water are the two furthermost important items you can stock your blessed dead. You can carry them to the graves if you desire but you don't accept to as the spirits are out and about at this time of year. Tell to your late-night dear ones, tasty them during your home and let them know love them and learn them.Let's not skip that today is moreover All Saint's Day. So if you work with the saints plus today is a really good day to cosset them and decree them your appreciation.

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