As a ChristoPagan, you may feel like you don't quite "fit in" with your other friends. While your beliefs may be a blend of Christianity and Paganism, others will see you as the opposite of what they are. For example, your Christian friends will most likely view you as Pagan and your Pagan friends may view you as Christian.
This can be hard when doing Rituals with family and friends, or attending Mass. Understand that others experience this as well. There's no easy fix, but you can try to explain to others your beliefs (but expect them to ask questions).
As a ChristoPagan, you will most likely be called contradictory or confused. Some will say "You can't be Christian "and" Pagan!" and they're right. But they don't understand that you "aren't" both. Instead, you mix beliefs; keeping some and throwing away others. Explain to them your beliefs. Know your beliefs. If you say "I don't know" then it will only encourage them to think of you as contradictory or confused. Instead, if you aren't sure what you believe in a specific situation, say something like "Right now I'm reflecting on that specific belief, trying to figure out what feels and sounds right to me. Perhaps we can discuss this belief at a different time when I can explain further?"
This all comes from personal experiences. Most of my Christian friends see me as Pagan (or as some would say a "Jesus-loving Pagan"). And, all the same, my Pagan friends tend to see me as a Christian (or a "Goddess-loving Christian"). People will always ask questions, especially since there is no specific set of beliefs for ChristoPaganism. My advice to you, as a ChristoPagan, is to figure out your own beliefs before telling others that you're ChristoPagan. Just as you would ask "What is that?" when hearing of a Religion for the first time, expect it from others. When they hear about your Christian and Pagan mixed beliefs, they are only going to question you further. Know your beliefs because nothing looks worse than having someone say they don't know what they believe (while this is fine in some cases when you're reflecting, it isn't fine when you don't know much of anything). Often, when someone takes on a title (or stereotype) but doesn't know anything about it, they're considered being just another person jumping on the bandwagon; don't be that person! For example, think of all the new Wiccans and Pagans that label themselves as such but don't know anything about the Religion at all. Same goes for Christians, too, and any other Religion.
Prepare for Questions
Remember that people will respect you when they know that "you know" what you're talking about. Take your time and remember that ChristoPaganism is a path less taken and one full of reward. It's a journey into the Spirit that allows you to seek your own answers and beliefs based off of Christianity and Paganism. May this journey be full of happiness for you.
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