Week 1 - Cleaning Magick
For the first week, I will explore both magickal and mundane ways to keep your home environment clean. This means getting rid of dirt and clutter, as well as magickal nasties.
Week 2 - Hearth Magick
During the second week, I will expore what is sometimes referred to as hearthcraft. This is a tradition that, like domestic paganism, is about the home, but I feel is specifically focused on treating the home as sacred, making the home a warm, nurturing environment, and honoring divinity.
Week 3 - Kitchen Magick
I will focus on cooking and using food magickally. I will also explore how practicing vegetarianism, even if it's as little as one night a week, can greatly improve the environment, your health, and be a great way to express your spirituality.
Week 4 - Parenting Magick
On week four, I will explore what it means to be a pagan parent. I will discuss how to express spirituality with your children and will discuss how vital spending time in nature is to children.
Week 5 - Spiritual Magick
Week five will be about cultivating your spirituality in your home. I will talk about developing daily mini-rituals, practicing mediation regularly, as well celebrating esbats and sabbats.
Week 6 - Personal Magick
The last week, will focus on using magick to solve household problems, such as marital difficulties or getting money for bills. I will also explore the benefits of using astrology, runes, and tarot as maps to your life.
Reference: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com