Monday, May 18, 2009

The Back To Basics Six Week Schedule

The Back To Basics Six Week Schedule
Will this six week series cover every aspect of domestic paganism? Of course not. That's why I have an entire blog dedicated to the topic! These six topics, are what I feel are the basics of domestic paganism.

Week 1 - Cleaning Magick

For the first week, I will explore both magickal and mundane ways to keep your home environment clean. This means getting rid of dirt and clutter, as well as magickal nasties.

Week 2 - Hearth Magick

During the second week, I will expore what is sometimes referred to as hearthcraft. This is a tradition that, like domestic paganism, is about the home, but I feel is specifically focused on treating the home as sacred, making the home a warm, nurturing environment, and honoring divinity.

Week 3 - Kitchen Magick

I will focus on cooking and using food magickally. I will also explore how practicing vegetarianism, even if it's as little as one night a week, can greatly improve the environment, your health, and be a great way to express your spirituality.

Week 4 - Parenting Magick

On week four, I will explore what it means to be a pagan parent. I will discuss how to express spirituality with your children and will discuss how vital spending time in nature is to children.

Week 5 - Spiritual Magick

Week five will be about cultivating your spirituality in your home. I will talk about developing daily mini-rituals, practicing mediation regularly, as well celebrating esbats and sabbats.

Week 6 - Personal Magick

The last week, will focus on using magick to solve household problems, such as marital difficulties or getting money for bills. I will also explore the benefits of using astrology, runes, and tarot as maps to your life.


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