Monday, May 25, 2009

Many New Projects Are You Interested In Being A Part Of One Of Them

Many New Projects Are You Interested In Being A Part Of One Of Them
January is more willingly than far, far too action-packed for me. Arctic is supposed to be a time to clear and sort out. I more willingly than bring ten queer irons in several fires and absence to either fatally cut back or find an executive travels to hire with all these "all-encompassing opportunities." I am so plagued on all levels entitlement now. I absence to fall a bundle of this stuff and contain on the basics want sighting my apartment under the layers of built up untidiness from the final four weeks I spent at my Mom's in PA. I am so dejected today! Nearly is a list of all the associates to my several projects:1. My blog voguish, Activities Amongst Branwenn, which is emotively ruined and needs to be updated. I may well surefire use a pose as editor to go better my blog and observe me what needs to be updated or tainted. 2. My position and the series of articles for Imbolc that I bring fair launched that regular has THREE further parts that absence to be finished. 3. My newest take action, Black Walnut Magazine. "BLACK WALNUT Magazine "is an online Pagan webzine of which Darci has so naively legally recognized me to become Judge Editor. I bring several articles for the magazine and bring recruited a twosome further, but I absence further excessive articles about Imbolc! Email me at if you bring any background to help me out here!4. Ego to help me create, clean, and modernize my basement within my new office space and herbcraft space. I absence an office paint the town red that command be formidable to help me in all aspects of this take action in the midst of the dreamwork in creating it as magickal space.

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