This design to the missing is the influence of a impudent dancing satyr marked onto a considerate Babydoll tee. Satyrs represented the spirit of the forest and the lustful wishes of humans and flora and fauna. it was assumed by the Greeks that if one was to get lost in the afforest that the satyrs would find you and seduce you with their magic. They prized to sample and shift and activity instruments.. (Babydoll grace t's unfashionable only in black, of course!)
The Red Identify Tribal Pentagram This is a really cool grace.. You wont find this design wherever excessively but the Satanas Channel. The design fades here a dark shade of red. I produced the Tribal Art Pentagram design series to rescue a new personal view on Satanic clothing styles... This grace is unfashionable in the new Black Bra Cami top that is very form timely and would play acute on personality.
Credit: pagan-magic.blogspot.com