Monday, July 23, 2012

Deosil And Widdershins

Deosil And Widdershins
During Wiccan ritual while in a circle that is cast when moving around it you will often see that you should move either Deosil or Widdershins. So let's take a look at these two terms and see what they mean exactly.

Deosil simply put is clockwise or sun wise. So when you are moving in the circle Deosil you are moving clockwise. Deosil is used for constructive magick. When you cast a circle you do so Deosil. Pretty easy to remember and that is in a nut shell what Deosil is.

Widdershins simply put is counter clockwise or earth wise. So when you are moving in a circle Widdershins you are moving counter clockwise. Widdershins is used for destructive magick. Often when you are banishing a circle you will do it Widdershins. Also pretty easy to remember, but living in Indianapolis as I do we have a couple of really big auto races here. The one most people know is the Indianapolis 500. So as little pagan humor and to help people remember what Widdershins is I came up with this saying many years ago. 200 laps in a circle Widdershins and they wonder why they hit the wall.


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