Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How To Use A Freya Love Magic Radionics Rune Box

How To Use A Freya Love Magic Radionics Rune Box
by Ragnar ReporterHow To Use a Freya Adorable MagicRadionics Rune BoxFreya is the Norse goddess of Adorable and whenever you organization with matters of the indicate, you conjure up the powers of Freya.Northern European peoples, both men and women, detain invoked Freya's help in love matters for thousands of years. Rituals, incantations, charms, talismans and lay down the law entice detain been some of the methods hand-me-down to coax Freya to help.But now Lory Martin, an Asatru artist and Norse Shaman has brought the Adorable Magic of Freya stylish the twenty cap century, stylish the Age of Aquarius.Now you can use the new normal of the Laws of Quantum Physics to power up your Freya Adorable Magic rituals.Lory has twisted a Freya Adorable Magic Radionics Rune Box that combines the power of ancient Seider Magic with the science of Radionics, a gift of the Age of Aquarius.Each rune box is charmingly hand decorated, ornamented with the rune symbols for love and ancient symbols, nap with a decoupaged picture of Freya on the lid. This wood box is the playing topic or a "Matrix" where the magic of the previously and the science of the now, work together to attract the power of love stylish your life.To conjure up the power of Freya to attract to yourself a new love; or to produce your present love life, you place the feeble trapezoidal orgone, radionics generator too the special radioincs love cut-out nap with either your photo and a photo of your malicious inward bound the magical box if you detain one, You can use your signature and your intendeds on a conspire of paper inward bound the box. Mane of each of your hair would work as well. If you do not know your assumed pop in record your photo, signature or hair of course. Any or all of these methods would work; by the Law of Rich Frequencies.Close the lid and say a small percentage prayer to Freya and place the box in a inoffensive, objective place where no one moreover can open it.What makes the Freya Adorable Magic rune box work to attract Adorable stylish your life?Radionics Magic and the Laws of Quantum Physics.This New Age of Aquarius and it's normal of the Laws of Quantum Physics has blown the lid off the box that has standoffish the secrets of magic unidentified from the usual man and living thing.Now all and sundry can be as powerful as a shaman, a magician, a rune master and a mystic thanks to the Laws of Quantum Physics and the Science of Radionics.The science of Radionics wishes three working principles: a power ferment, an objective symbol and a express. You don't use an exclusive electronic radionics sketch to perform Adorable Magic. This wood Rune Box option work for you just as well.The power ferment for the Rune Box Radionics sketch is the trapezoidal orgone ond generator. The objective symbol is the powerful Radionics Pattern you declaration with the box. The express is your photos or signatures.Just the once you place all inward bound the box and bung the lid of your Freya Magic Rune Box, the magic begins.The Laws of Quantum Physics besides classify us that communicate exists an without number ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean floor, Mimir's Fitting. No matter which that ever was, is or option be exists communicate.Freya and all the gods/goddesses of the North stand up communicate and Adorable as a impel, a power of energy exists communicate.What ever you biologically kibbutz in the Radionics Rune Box, besides makes a draw in the Quantum Ocean floor energy world.In the member of the power of Freya to attract Adorable stylish your life, too the power of love symbol, too your photos all get essential on an energy level.This energy pours out of the Quantum Ocean floor stylish the Rune Box and subsequently stylish your life.Because your photo is really you, ie your divine arrangement. And your intendeds photo is really them, the love energies option pour stylish your Aura. What ever energies you carry in your Aura attracts your physical retort part stylish your life. A new love Radionics symbol option attract a new love stylish your life.It is the Law. The Law of Freya, the Law of Radionics and the Law of Magic.Now thanks to Lory's Freya Adorable Magic Radionics Rune Box, you too can attract a new love stylish your life or make stronger the Adorable you beforehand detain.Ragnar Reporter (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his group Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired mathematics tutor and electronics draftswoman. He is the prime mover of the simple radionics sketch called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator". He has in print glossed 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and surrogate healing methods. You can see optional extra of his works on his websites: http://www.olevikingshop.com/ http://www.runes-for-health-wealth-love-now.com/ http://www.Spiritual-Quantum-Physics.builderspot.com http://www.radionics-quantum-physics.com/ Numerous HIS NEW EBAY Line http://stores.shop.ebay.com/ragnarstorytller Numerous his Blogger page. A cut above 40 deal out blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Vacillate Energizing Techniques, Enigmatic Viking Earlier, Astrology and the Occult Sciences. http://www.blogger.com/profile/01628942695087696423 Numerous his LULU Hire Line. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Energizing, Astrology and Occult. http://stores.lulu.com/ellis111 Email for free newsletter: ragnarstoryteller2@gmail.com

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