Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Psychic Medium Development How To Awaken The Psychic Medium In You

Psychic Medium Development How To Awaken The Psychic Medium In You

By Tana Hoy

Because of the massive exposure through books, TV shows, and movies; people are interested to learn more about the spiritual realm. Luckily with the help of a psychic medium, it's possible to get an insight about the "other side". Through a psychic medium, not only do we get to learn more about the afterlife and spiritual entities; we can even communicate with the beings from the spiritual dimension!


Psychic mediums are not in whatever way just your usual psychics. A psychic medium is a very unique sort of psychic. In addition to traditional psychic powers (e.g. telepathy, intuition, empathy, the sixth sense, etc.), psychic mediums possess the skill of mediumship that allows them to get in touch with those on the other side!

Psychic mediums have a higher level of the sixth sense. Thus, they cannot only see, feel, and hear spiritual entities; they are also able to get in touch with them.


Every person is born psychic, and everyone has psychic medium potential. However, people normally either have a weak or closed eye; and this is why only very few show signs of the psychic medium gift.

Just like any psychic ability, psychic medium gifts can be honed and developed. Opening the third eye isn't complicated; but then, acquiring the skill to communicate with spiritual beings can be quite a challenge!

To become a psychic medium, here are 3 milestones that you need to overcome:

"1. Developing The Skill Of Asking."

Initiating a connection with spiritual entities is not an easy task. You cannot just "barge in" and demand to speak with them. The key to successfully establish a connection with these beings is to respectfully ask them to let you do so (it's similar to wanting to talk to someone; so you have to knock on their door and ask permission to come in and talk).

"2. Cleansing The Mind"

A successful connection with the spiritual realm can be guaranteed if you have a clear mind. The key to cleanse the mind is to meditate. This is vital so that there will be no obstructions during the communication process.

"3. Knowing How To Be Grateful"

When communicating with spiritual entities, you should always be grounded -- you have to be humble and you have to show gratefulness at all times. Remember, you are seeking them because you need their help; so be respectful and show gratefulness.


No one can be a psychic medium in an instant; that's for sure. Remember, mediumship is a very rare skill, and it takes a lot of time and practice to develop.

There are tons of ways to become a psychic medium. You can develop your psychic medium skill by means of psychic courses, books, exercises, and many more. However, the best way to nurture your psychic medium gifts is with the guidance of the experts themselves -- the psychic mediums.

About the Author:

Tana Hoy is America's foremost psychic medium. Tana has been helping others get in touch with their inner psychic. Learn more about becoming a psychic medium; visit Tana's website.

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