Article by Ace Smith
When we hear the word "meditation", the thing that comes to mind is a deep concentration of a thing or reflection of some things, it may be sound, images, or even the way we breathe. But there are a lot of better things to know about meditation. In fact, nowadays, meditation is one of the best alternative therapies that many doctors recommend to their patients. The use of meditation for healing has been in existence for thousands of years.
Why is there a need for meditation? Many people today work hard to earn profit. They toil day in and day out for them to earn money to buy the necessities that they need in everyday life. Because of these reasons, many people end up with a life full of stress...--burdens from work, meeting their deadlines, sleepless nights...--all these make our body weak. Stress is one of the causes of many diseases. Examples of them are heart disease, hypertension, and other organ failures.
One of the most popular types of meditation is prayer. Though some belief systems consider prayer apart from meditation, there are many who practice them similarly. This is usually the case with the practice of Christianity. People, when they pray, put their hearts on it. They are releasing all their worries and burdens they have to the Most High and asking God for His grace. When we pray, we believe that God hears our prayer and from that fact, it gives us assurance and contentment. It removes all our anxieties and fears. When we pray, we find peace and solace in our hearts.
Another common example of meditation is yoga, which is rooted in the beliefs of Hinduism. In modern times, many people try yoga because they find it very relaxing, and a lot of those who already tried it have a good feedback on it. Most practitioners claim how more flexible their bodies have become, which adds to their strength and endurance. Yoga also means a system of religious philosophy which requires physical and mental discipline in order to attain union with the universal spirit.
One ac! tivity t hat people do in yoga is the breathing exercise. In this activity, one person will quietly observe the way he or she breathes. An individual will sit silently, and focuses his or her attention only to his or her breathing. As one focuses his attention on the activity, the way he or she inhales and exhales, the mind will become aware and the individual will have a very good feeling of relaxation.
Meditation can be classified into two types: the concentrative meditation and the mindfulness meditation. In concentrative meditation, from the word concentrative means you concentrate on something, whether it is breathing, an object, or a specific thought. A person will put all his attention on that thing, as a way of practicing the narrowing of our focus to one thing. The common example of this kind of meditation is yoga, which centers the attention to the breathing patterns.
The other classification of meditation is mindfulness meditation. It differs in concentrative meditation in such a way that in mindfulness meditation, a person is aware of the things that surround him, he is aware of the thoughts, memories, worries, feelings, and other emotions, but he does not involve himself in thinking of them.
Nevertheless, it's your choice what kind of meditation you use, what is important is how you take care of yourself. Now you know the importance of meditation, why not give it a try? You might be surprised at how better your life will be through this practice.About the Author
Ace Smith is a prolific writer touching base on topics like Technology, Travel, Health and others. For more information you can drop by his web sites that deals with: Credit & Finance, Teen Pregnancy and Money with Blog. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.
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