Monday, October 14, 2013

The Eye Of Horus

The Eye Of Horus
The Eye of Horus (Wedjat)(since Wadjet and the Eye of the Moon; and afterwards as The Eye of Ra)or ("Udjat") is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and regal power from deities, in this disagreement from Horus or Ra. The symbol is seen on images of Horus' mother, Isis, and on other deities associated with her.

In the Egyptian argot, the word for this symbol was "Wedjat".It was the eye of one of the antediluvian of Egyptian deities, Wadjet, who next became associated with Bast, Mut, and Hathor as well. Wedjat was a stellar deity and this symbol began as her eye, an all seeing eye. In brood artwork, Hathor is as well as depicted with this eye. Funerary amulets were habitually finished in the paddle of the Eye of Horus. The Wedjat or Eye of Horus is "the central point element" of seven "gold, faience, carnelian and lapis lazuli" earrings found on the mummy of Shoshenq II.The Wedjat "was assumed to protect the king [hand over] in the afterlife"and to ward off evil. Antediluvian Egyptian and Award Eastern sailors would more often than not influence the symbol on the bow of their vessel to impede excellent sea travel. of Horus

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