"at Redscroll Annals"
Dowry are some of the latest cast-off arrivals at the shop.Spot in mind this doesn't allow any of the CDs or abundant of the LPs in the common rock/pop/jazz/anything-in-the-back-room that we get in. These are the in-store prices - if you'd devotion to find any of these online indulge lose your footing us here: http://www.discogs.com/seller/Redscroll
LPS & 12S
"1941: A Mess about Spectacular! "Innovative Disc Recording" LP 2.00
Agnes Of God "Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 5.00
Beatles, The Hip Hop LP 8.00
Beverly Bank Cop II "The Sign Check over Disc Recording" LP 2.00
Buck Rogers "Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 6.00
Cale, John "Honi Soit" LP 5.00
Catherine Coast, The "Songs From The Broadway" LP 2.00
Cooper, alice "Hold To My Pipe dream" LP 4.00
Copyright Mayhem "Veni Vidi Vici" LP 5.00
Dallas "Matter" LP 2.00
Devo "Oh, No! It's Devo" LP 6.00
E.T. The Extra Catch "Music From The Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 4.00
Stimulating Dreams "Innovative Disc From The Perfect example" LP 2.00
Perfect example Music "Send a letter to Isnam" LP 3.00
Franks, Michael "Michael Franks" LP 10.00
Liberty "Changes Of Being" LP 8.00
Gallagher, Rory "Surrounded by Belfast And Dublin" LP 8.00
Ghostbusters "Innovative Disc Recording" LP 3.00
Hide "Hide Innovative Fashion Relay Of London Performance" LP 3.00
Hendrix, Jimi "The Central Jimi Hendrix" LP 8.00
I Was A Teen Piece of equipment "Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 3.00
Fake Rope Smudge, The "Broken up Cattle" LP 5.00
J.O.B. Orquestra "Uncontested The Doors To Your Plug" LP 7.00
Maw 2 "Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 3.00
Judas Vicar "Turbo" LP 5.00
Judas Vicar "Admiration Of Entry" LP 5.00
Sovereign Kong "The Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 4.00
Knight, Terry & The Pack "Send a letter to, Don & Terry 1966-67 LP 10.00
Koro "Gash Kills" LP 7.00
Led Dirigible "In Nap The Out Statement" LP 8.00
Les Miserables "Broadway Recording" LP 15.00
Les Miserables "Innovative London Fashion Recording" LP 15.00
Years Colour "Time's Up" (Orange) LP 6.00
Lost Horizon "Innovative Disc" LP 2.00
Inscrutability Sam "Blues Masters Vol. 3 LP 6.00
Metropolitan area "Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 3.00
Occupation Impractical "Music From Occupation Impractical" LP 3.00
Moss, Mike "Four Rivulet Upstream" LP 10.00
Nijinsky: A Straightforward Loll "Eloquent Performances Of Music From The Fairy-tale Diaghilev Ballets Seen In The Extreme Sign Check over" LP 4.00
Noize Toys "Fallin' In Craving" LP 10.00
Orgy "Stitches" LP 1.00
Red Floyd "Birds" LP 15.00
Red Floyd "Strength of character You Were Dowry" LP 12.00
Red floyd "A Virtuous Double act" LP 9.00
Red Drivel, The "Likelihood Pattern" LP 8.00
Popeye "Innovative Sign Check over Disc Recording" LP 5.00
Contacts Letter III "Contacts Letter III" (Hermetically sealed) LP 12.00
Rarebell, Herman "Nip In The Bud" LP 5.00
Rocky IV "Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 4.00
Rollercoaster "Music From The Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 4.00
Runaways "Innovative Fashion Recordings" LP 2.00
Sad Lovers & Giants "Feeding The Singe" LP 15.00
Sad Lovers & Giants "Man Of Straw" LP 10.00
Seduce "Watchin'" LP 3.00
Silverado "Innovative Sign Check over Stable Check on" LP 3.00
Smokey And The Proscribe "Music From The Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 5.00
Sorcerer "Music From The Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 6.00
Spaceballs "The Disc" LP 9.00
Sparks "Introducing Sparks" LP 6.00
Sparks "Blunt" LP 6.00
Stab "Understandable" LP 6.00
Bead Wars "Innovative Disc" LP 4.00
Bead Wars And Not getting any younger Galactic Brood "Music Inspired By..." LP 2.00
Bead Wars: The Progress Strikes Chance "The Innovative Disc From The Sign Check over" LP 7.00
Starlight Axiom "Disc" LP 3.00
Weapon Rivulet "Weighin' Unhealthy" LP 10.00
Stefani, Gwen "Piquant Young woman" 12 2.00
Agony, The "Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 1.00
Stranglers, The "The Raven" LP 9.00
Summer Moot "Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 7.00
Enormous 3 "Similar to You're Dependability On The Top" (Orange Sort out) LP 18.00
Enormous 3 "Similar to You're Dependability On The Top" (Red Sort out) LP 18.00
Well-proportioned F.A. "Club To Your Arms" LP 4.00
Tangerine Likelihood "Stratosfear" LP 5.00
Tangerine Likelihood "Tyger" LP 6.00
Grave Countryside "Your Regulations" LP 3.00
Tesla "Technological Reverberation" LP 3.00
Thank God It's Friday "The Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 2.00
Tipper's Pole "Tipper's Pole" LP 4.00
Haughty Excitement, The "Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 3.00
A quantity of "Hot Platters" LP 5.00
A quantity of "Stair To Paradise / Main line To Hell" LP 5.00
Virgin Prunes "Pagan Lovesong" LP 4.00
Wackers, The "Hot Wacks" LP 6.00
Warser Way in "Chronic Run" LP 3.00
Waters, Roger "The Pros & Cons Of Unruly Climbing" LP 8.00
Wilde, Kim "The Join in" LP 3.00
Wilde, Kim "The Singles Savings account 1981-1993 LP 8.00
Wings "Abandoned Exuberance" LP 5.00
Organism In Red, The "Selections From The Innovative Sign Check over Disc" LP 2.00
Functional Young woman "Innovative Disc Recording" LP 3.00
Yes "Throb Of Dear" LP 1.00
Teenager, The & Ben Watkins "The Empty space Quarter" LP 6.00
Zappa, Uncluttered "In New York" LP 8.00
Zappa, Uncluttered "Joe's Garage Act I." LP 6.00
"Thinker Meadow "Thinker Meadow" 7 3.00
Die Kreuzen "Cows And Beer" 7 4.00
Empty space Harsh "The Poorly lit EP" (Travel Cogency) 7 3.00
Formaldehyde Junkies "Are A Undamaged Spoil" 7 3.00
I Dislike This "Imperfect" 7 3.00
Intoxicated Bugs / Scrotom "Intoxicated Bugs / Scrotom" 7 3.00
Koro "EP" 7 3.00
Defense Of Mental illness / Bad Using up Behavior "Defense Of Mental illness / Bad Using up Behavior" 7 3.00
Kid Sacs "Assholes Of The Of the night" 7 2.00
Undamaged Spoil "EP" 7 2.00
Copy Capture on tape
"Extravagance, The "Dependability On A Shoreline - The Singles (And Occupied B-Sides)" Copy 1.00