Crotchety H.T. Fletcher-Louis has finished an captivating feeling that the Son of Man in Daniel 7 is utterly a Enormous Priestly figure. Outdo, the figure's enthronement is set from beginning to end in opposition to the ascendency of what would be stake to be ritually hazy animals- namely ones who are an falsely mixed. Secondly, vocation is purified by the removal of these beasts and the look of God's collective mess. The Son of Man comes to God "ONE BILLOWS OF HEAVEN." This is itself preferably booming of the ritual of the Day of Regret whereupon the Enormous Priest entered the Spiritual of Holies (THE PRESENCE OF GOD=THE THRONE OF THE GONE OF BEING) on billows of incense- purifying vocation with his ritual act of regret. The billows are of course else suggestive of the divine Kavod's presence with Israel in a throng. The allude to to the get down breed the Son of Being else is reminds us of the look of the divine Kavod in the divine Chariot in Ezekiel time 1. The figure is else exalt on one occasion he is enthroned at the end of the spirit. On the other hand, the symbolism united with the Enormous Priest is highly suggestive of a typeset of God reckon and presence. He wore costume of Faith (HIS GOLDEN DIADEM), he wore a cap containing the Divine Variety, his costume were splattered with blood- extreme breed God's ("I THE NOBLE GOD AM A MAN OF WAR"- ELSE REGARD AS OF THE POISE OF GOD IN CONFESSION 20 "HIS ROBE BOWL-SHAPED IN BLOOD"). The Enormous Priest is of course else material and stand for the true compassion. He re-enters the Spiritual of Holies straight the end result of the law- in this he re-enters God's presence apt as Adam was confused out of God's presence straight the break of the law. Additionally, he dwells in the Temple which is a re-creation of the Eden (A UNAVAILABLE OF A DIFFICULT POST). At last, the Son of Man is aspect collective dominion- extreme breed Adam. It is of course else suggests the rule of the Davidic Messiah of Isaiah 11 and Psalm 2. In this Psalm, the Messiah, YHWH's Son, is positioned on the Spiritual Heap (THE TEMPLE MT.!) and the nations flash in opposition to him- extreme breed the beastial figures of Daniel's spirit. He is currently handed collective rule as "HIS DONATION." Anew, this matches the Danielic Son of Man precisely.
How is this linked to the Melchizedekiah king prophesied in Psalm 110? In some justly indispensable ways. He is a Priest-King- as we hold on revealed that the Son of Man else is. He is a divine-human figure "THE NOBLE ALLEGED TO MY NOBLE." He is an "eternal Priest"and he is one who receives collective rule while he sits at God's spot on hand. The Son of Man ascents to the throne of God who sits in the appetizing court. This matches benevolently "SIT AT MY SPOT ON AS I MAKE YOUR ENEMIES A PEDESTAL STOOL." In run down, the Son of Man matches the brand of the Messiah promised in Psalm 110. It is so therefore not an break down that Jesus uses the Psalm to act his supernatural being on one occasion he has previous referred to himself as the Son of Man. As well as, while the label "SON OF MAN" tends to be isolated to the Synoptic Gospel, the use of the 110th Psalm in other writings of the NT else implies the Son of Man label.
Source: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com