A Booklist of Pagan/Magickal Titles
I. Tarot:
A. The Tarot - Paul Add to Skirmish (f)
B. The Qabalistic Tarot - Robert Wang (a,f)
C. The Seize of Tokens - Paul Skirmish (f)
D. TheBook ofThoth - Crowley(a,f)
II. The Qabalah:
A. The Psychic Qabalah - Dion Try (f)
B. The Kabbalah Unveiled - MacGregor Mathers (f)
C. The Sepher Yetzirah - W. Wynn Westcott (f)
D. A Official Brochure to Qabalistic Symbolism - Gareth
Knight (a,f)
E. The Ladder of Lights - William Grey (f?)
III. Magick in general:
A. The Tree of Spirit - Israel Regardie (a,f)
B. Magick in Opinion and Procedure - Aleister Crowley (a
C. The Golden Dawn; The Kill Golden Twitch Create of
Magic- Israel Regardie (c)
D. Magick not up to scratch Bawl - Crowley (c)
IV. Meditation
A. The Education of the Consciousness - Alan Bennett (a)
B. Tart Through Spiritual Avarice - Chogyam Tru
C. Seize 4 - Crowley (a)
D. The Exceptional person of Insight - Goldstein (d)
V. Crowley
A. The Sacred Books of Thelema (a)
B. The Aura and the Escape (a)
C. The Eye in the Triangle - Israel Regardie (c)
D. The Equinox, esp The Place of worship of Solomon the Emperor (a)
E. The Seize of Falsehood (a)
VI. Paganism, elapsed
A. The Golden Offshoot - Frazer
B. The Joker Religions - S. Angus (b)
C. Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism - F. Cumont (b
D. The God of the Witches - Margaret Murray
E. The Golden Ass - Apuleius, transl. Robert Graves
VII. Paganism, modern
A. Drawing Quiet the Moon - Margot Adler
B. The Cherish of Witchcraft - Gerald Gardner (g)
VIII. Eastern Mysticism
A. Tibetan Yoga and Toward the inside Doctrines - Evans-Wentz
B. Shakti and Shakta - Arthur Avalon (a)
C. The Serpent Force - Arthur Avalon (a)
D. The Tibetan Seize of the Dear departed - Evans-Wentz
IX. Egyptian religion (all b)
A. The Gods of the Egyptians - E.A. Alter
B. The Egyptian Seize of the Dear departed - Alter
C. Egyptian Numinous - Alter
D. The Leyden Papyrus - Alter
X. Freed
A. The Chaldean Oracles - Westcott (f,e)
B. The Spirit of Apollonius of Tyana - Philostratus
C. Prometheus Rebel - Robert Anton Wilson (c)
D. Great Enthusiasm - Robert Anton Wilson (c)
(a) Samuel Weiser, Inc
Box 612
York Beach, Maine 03910
-EXCELLENT in any case for books of all sorts, all high qu
Exact good in any case for books by Crowley & on cere
magick. Notably recommended.
(b) Dover Publications
31 East 2nd St.
Mineola, NY 11501
-reprints manyold books,record outstandingly Budge'sclassic eg
(c) Falcon Knead
3660 N. 3rd St
Phoenix, AZ 85012
-small herd specializing in Crowley, Israel Regardie
,& the
Golden Twitch. Then carries Robert Anton Wilson's new-fangled
such as PROMETHEUS Rebel, THE NEW Post-mortem, and the rep
classic Great Enthusiasm.
(d) Shambalah Publications
314 Dartmouth St.
Boston, MA 02116
-mainly Eastern religion & Buddhist, but any some w
magick, and really adequate of polite New Age works. Re
reprinted the classic series HERMETICA by Sir Walter Scott.
(e) Heptangle Books
Box 283
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
-small rope printing remain issuing one volu
me per
meeting, smartly pattern. Issued the classic EN
INVOKATION by Gfrey James, which was flat in key in April
(f) The Pinnacle of Cards Inventory
Mass of US P.E. Systems
38 East 32nd St
NY, NY 10016
-sells every Tarot crowd in repute, & any h
as a
singularly tall booklist of occult books. All-encompassing sourc
e for
Eliphas Levi & tarot gear & carries several of the books
by the supercilious publisher. Inventory is $2. Publish is the fastes t I've
ever seen.
(g) Magickal Childe
35 West 19th St.
NY,NY 10011
-excellent listing; carries Gardner's books & as
paraphanalia such as Abramelin oil. Carries several self-important books
bring down in their catalog; reportedly if you bawl them they c
an get
ANY occult book, if it's departure where. No, I don't command
earpiece #.
(h) Llewellyn Publications
P.O. Box 64383-873
St. Paul, MN 55164-0383
-not so good a in any case these days,but carries reprin
ts of
several of Israel Regardie's classics. Their catalog resembles
Family Enquirer; notice emptor. Thirst quenching to read
joy purposes, occasionally one order find a good book t
(i) Bend
P.O. Box 219
Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
-apagan organizationpublishinga newsletter& sellssome
record outstandingly Bend Brochure to Pagan & Wiccan Capital, for conta cts.
(j) Dharma Publishing
2425 Hillside Ave
Berkeley CA 94704
-sellsbooks onBuddhism, posters of Tibetan Thanka embarrassment
faraway self-important hardcore Buddhist than Shambalah.
These opinions are my own, & everywhere I recollection purchasin
books in the similar to. They may no longer be departure.