Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lenten Reflection For Ash Wednesday

Lenten Reflection For Ash Wednesday
"March 5, 2014"


"Joel 2, 12-18 * II Corinthians 5:20-6, 2 * Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18"

Today we begin an inward journey through our heart. We daily listen to God-especially Jesus Christ-speak to us through the scriptures in the weeks ahead. We also take practical steps to respond to his call for conversion. Lent invites us to renew our faith that makes us pilgrims bound for the Kingdom or Reign of God. Our model and guide is Jesus Christ.

Lent provides us two specific opportunities to respond to him: We take steps to "...put on the Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 13:14) and we focus our life on him rather than just "doing Lenten things" such as "giving up" dessert. Lent calls us to return to the Gospel in order to live a life of deep union with Christ. Struggles will confront us as we leave behind sin, but new insights will help deepen the love in our hearts for Jesus. Our relationship with him will transform our way of viewing and living life. In turn, this lived-out experience of change will impact our way of thinking, deciding, and acting in our circumstances of life-especially in dealing with all God's people. Our unique, inward journey through our heart as disciples of Jesus and pilgrims of faith guides us on our way to heaven. We are truly blessed!

Perhaps a daily portion of our private PRAYER this Lent could focus on the people we need to love and to forgive. Perhaps our FASTING this Lent could mean less time spent on cellular telephones, texting, and video games to have quality time for face-to-face conversations with others. Perhaps our ALMSGIVING this Lent might lead us to review our understanding of tithing and put it into practice to help the needy pointed out to us by Pope Francis.


Father Charlie Banks is a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate and offers spiritual direction at St. Mary's Catholic Center.

"St. Mary's Catholic Center will post a daily reflection from a student, former student, or staff member every day of Lent at 3pm. We have compiled these reflections into a handout, given to our students on Ash Wednesday."

Credit: crafty-witch.blogspot.com

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