Thursday, March 17, 2011

Get It Darker The Ouija Board And Satan

Get It Darker The Ouija Board And Satan


Along time ago when I was about fifteen years old, my mates (about four or five of them) and I decided to play on my best mate's mum's ouija board. We took it round to my other friend's house as her parents were out. We turned the lights out and lit some candles and then we sat around the table.

We asked the usual questions and after about 10 minutes of messing about the planchette started to move. We all thought someone was pushing it at first, but we still carried on and let it spell out who it was. It spelled out Marilyn Monroe. Of course we did now think someone was moving it and I got pretty mad as I really wanted it to work.

I decided to ask if it would show itself to us. In response, it spelled out, 'get it darker'. So we blew out most of the candles and just had a couple going. The thing spelt out again, 'get it darker'. I was getting a bit jittery now as I had a bad feeling about this. We blew out another candle, but it yet again spelled, 'get it darker', then it spelled it out again and again. This thing was moving so fast, we all got frightened to death and stopped playing with it.

About a week later we got hold of the ouija board again and this time we had no-ones house to go to, so we took it down to a field near to the train track as this was the only place we could think of where we wouldn't be seen.

Now what i'm about to tell you is absolutely true, but it sounds so childish, but i'll tell it how it happened. We started playing with it and immediately it worked and spelled out look under the board. We all looked at one another and looked under the board, written in like a pinkish ink was, 'satan was ere'.

I thought that someone had written it and so did all of the others, so we weren't at all bothered by this. Anyway we carried on playing and then it spelled out again, 'look under the board'. We turned the board around and that writing wasn't there anymore. We all ran out of there so fast leaving the board behind.

I have never played the board again and after reading all the stories over the years of people who have also had it work for them, I think we were being messed around with by something. I've heard that the boards lie all the time and say they're someone that they aren't. I've also heard that if you play with them and don't say a prayer before then you usually have bad spirits that you're dealing with. What do you think, has anyone else had something happen that was like my one?

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Sent in by Debbie R. Copyright Debbie R 2009 @ World Mysteries And True Ghost Tales

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