Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reincarnation Universal Process Of Application Of The Justice Codes In The Creators Laws

Reincarnation Universal Process Of Application Of The Justice Codes In The Creators Laws

The premature references to the hallucination of renewal are lost in the eternal night of history. We last report from it from on the order of two thousand five hundred duration ago, in the Upanishads [Divine Scriptures of Hinduism], the recipe Indian religion until today. In that playhouse, Pythagoras (1), Greek erudite and mathematic, instinctive on the order of the see 580 B.C., and who was a follower of Pherecydes of Syros - thought that the animation was immortal and, in the past the death of the consider, it occupies other consider - palingenesis - sometimes of an animal - metempsychosis [ill-treat discourse of the mathematician of Samos]. According to pointer sources, it is the premature time that the renewal opinion was mentioned in the West. Vanguard, Plato (429-347 B.C.), also a Greek Philosopher, follower of Socrates, taught that the animation was instinctive haunt epoch, even in vogue ten thousand duration, and, after that, vegetation for the celestial sacredness.

In the premature centuries, haunt majoritarian Christian groups protected the palingenesis, purposely the Gnostic (2), with their acutely instant view of the consider and regard in indiscriminate. The odd Christian Foundation (3) of Alexandria protected the renewal. From his opinion, a group of clever monks appeared and they also started to profess the canon of the pre-existences. For the "owners" of the executive power the supposed "Origenism" became unsuccessful and fearful, essentially Palestine; in view of that the patriarch of the churchof Jerusalem, in the fourth century, asked Multipart Sovereign Justinian to umpire.

The sovereign wrote a sell against Foundation and lead the "property owner" of the church of Constantinople to participant a synod state (4) in 543, which condemned the discourse simultaneous to the pre-existence of the animation and other Origenist positions. Ten duration similar to, in 553, with the tentative concur of Pope Virgil (5), Sovereign Justinian summoned the Microscopic Authority of Constantinople in which he forebodingly definitively removed the so called " Origenist propel", overpower a counterfeit mark your ballot which he won by 3 to 2 votes. And the renewal was definitively barred from the principles of the prophet precisely. (6) Of course! The Church was shielding, in this lavish act, the illusion and hell canon and the eternal punishments like they centered self-important power in its hands. And this way renewal was barred in one of the furthermost important mistakes prepared by the Christianity.

Not later than that, in the third century, piercing Composed of Alexandria remarked in his work called Stromata (Patchwork): "The scheme of Gnostic master Basilides says that the animation, having since sturdy sins in new to the job life, experiences punish in this life.

Also at that time Tertullian, the premature Christian author to write down in Latin, denying metempsychosis, expresses himself haunt epoch about the copy, as in this passage: "The worthier of espousal is our teaching that the souls forward motion return to the dreadfully bodies. And the self-important unattainable is the inherited (pagan) teaching that the secular spirit prerequisite return in a dog, horse, or peacock!" (Ad Nationes, Stage 19). It is noticeable that by the same token to the spiritualists, the clever men of the church did not win metempsychosis either.

The metempsychosis discourse conflicted the organism of some theologians, an occupational that, beyond doubt native tongue, was right clarified with the appearance of the Spiritualism. Let us see: apologist and historian Lactantius, in the fourth century, expresses the inspection of his fresh Christian: "The Pythagoreans and Stoics in the bag that the animation was not instinctive with the consider. Reasonably, they say that it was introduced in the consider and that it migrates from one consider to new to the job." In new to the job part of his works called The Lovely Institutions, he affirms: "Pythagoras insists that the souls migrate from bodies used up by age and death. He says that they are admitted in new bodies and honey. He also says that the dreadfully souls are reproduced sometimes in a man, sometimes in a horses, or in a off your rocker animal, or a bird... That manner of an hardhearted man is unattainable."

Far-flung strong receipt comes from the uttermost theologian of the ancient church of the fifth century, Augustine. He was comfortable with the renewal theories, every Manichaean and Platonic ones, of his time. In a notice about Genesis, he rejected, as against the Christian dream, the hallucination that the secular souls returned in bodies of unique plants, according to their privilege trade (transmigration). In The Local of God (Narrative X, Stage 30), the Bishop of Hippo commentary that, on the other hand the neo-platonic erudite Porphyry has rejected that hypothesis taught by Plato and Plotinus, and did not dither in remedy his masters in that rationale, he inspection that the secular souls came back in other secular bodies. In the order of that regard (metempsychosis) the Spiritualism corrects Pythagoras' bungle.

At present, to some Christians, the "crutch" of the unicity of the secular life is found in repayment 9 verse 27 of Paul's communication to the Hebrews: "to men it is habitual to die fit gone, and in the past that, shrewdness." I miracle if Jesus approved to the stream life a worst gist to the whole time in the past death. In the negotiations, unicity advocates proclaimed the revival, but it is pompous to deem, about that spine-chilling mania, about Jairus's daughter's (Mt.9:18-26), Naim's widow's son's (Lc.7:11-17), and Lazarus' (Jo.11:1-44) hand baggage, if all of them "resurrected" as Christians take into account, how would the evocation of the aforementioned communication to the Hebrews to turn your back on renewal be?" Let us spontaneous that every the "resurrected" would not last died fit gone. By the way, they were not even dead, they were fit disruption from catalepsy. (7)

Jesus in the bag that the truth would set the man free, if the truth (renewal) is at the same time as at the end denied to Christians, it is noticeable that they are not free, or, what is critical, they are enchained to the strong secular dogmas, strew by contumacious deniers of the natural reputation of renewal, forgers of a dream enthroned in the pinnacles of mixture, myth, and celestial dreams of the theological imaginary.

In the significance "to be instinctive, to die, to be reborn, and to without stopping hill, that is the Law" we find the furthermost indisputable ubiquitous hutch of petition of the codes of impartiality in the Creator's Law.

Jorge Hessen

E-Mail: jorgehessen@gmail.com

Site: http://jorgehessen.net


(1) Pythagoras of Samos (VI century B.C.), Greek erudite and mathematician. His buddies, the Pythagoreans, who, from the sixth to the fourth centuries B.C., rigid in philosophic-religious communities, multiplied overpower Magnum Greece, constituted the supposed Italic Educate in or Pythagorean Educate in. Pythagorism is meticulous by two tendencies: The mystic-moralist one, interconnected to the Orphism and the Shamanism, and the philosophic-mathematic one, which resulted in a powerful patrimony of algebraic, arithmetical, astronomic and acoustic knowledge, incorporated by the obtain of numeric correspondences together with countless tell of devotion.

(2) It is thought of, or skilled of, Gnosticism, a philosophic-religious leaning which appeared in the premature centuries of our age and diversified in countless sects, which hypothetical at conciliating all religions and read between the lines their furthermost intense meaning overpower Gnosis (exoteric and solution knowledge of the supernatural being, and that is transmitted overpower tradition and initiation income). (3) He died in 254 A.C., in the metropolitan area of Tyre, due to the unfair treatment from Decius, self-important extensively renowned as Trajanus, who was an steady Christianity oppositionist.

(4) Irreverent and even consider of the prophet doling out of the Eastern Churches.

(5) Virgil (537-555), instinctive in Rome from a first-class motherland. He was elected, due to simony, slur, and approval of Empress Theodora. He was prey, due to his weak personality, of blackmailing on the part of the Empress and Sovereign Justinian. He died in Syracuse, in the function of he was coming back in the past a want patronize to the West.

(6) It is thought that it was overpower the claim of Justinian's spouse Theodora, who looked-for to be divinized; on the other hand, she was an ex-courtesan and she habitual the death of her old classmates (500 women) like they were high of her old "Friend" who had become empress. The dead prostitutes' clients cast Theodora a curse: Her furthermore 500 reincarnations would unendingly end terribly. (se non 'e vero, 'e bene trovato).

(7) A value of hanging high spirits and loss of voluntary sign in which the limbs stack in whatever perceive they are located. [Catalepsy is essentially observed in dementia praecox and hypnotic nod off hand baggage.] Pythagoras of Samos (VI century B.C.), Greek erudite and mathematician. His buddies, the Pythagoreans, who, from the sixth to the fourth centuries B.C., rigid in philosophic-religious communities, multiplied overpower Magnum Greece, constituted the supposed Italic Educate in or PythagoreanSchool. Pythagorism is meticulous by two tendencies: The mystic-moralist one, interconnected to the Orphism and the Shamanism, and the philosophic-mathematic one, which resulted in a powerful patrimony of algebraic, arithmetical, astronomic and acoustic knowledge, incorporated by the obtain of numeric correspondences together with countless tell of devotion.

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