Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Take Why This Female Priest Loves Sister Wives

My Take Why This Female Priest Loves Sister Wives
"EDITOR'S NOTE: Danielle Elizabeth Tumminio is bound in the Episcopal Cathedral and has skilled a stretch of pedagogic institutions, in the company of Yale School. She is equally the sty of "God and Pester at Yale: Belief and Fantasy in the Classroom."


"Sister Wives" is approaching sacred time in my home. In the role of it's on, I refuse to major the scream or move from the divan, and someone who meeting risks moreover a DVR rewind and a scornful ring out for interrupting the episode's running away.

I be grateful for that referring to any display vetting as "sacred time" is a bit cheeky, expressly coming from an Episcopal priest. But I can't help it - I'm so caged by this cover that I've seen every phase binary (in the company of the wedding special), researched fundamentalist Mormon wedding rituals, and dreamed of visiting the cake tasting bakery.

Yet abundant don't enjoy my enthusiasm. One time I specific my love for Meri, Christine, Janelle, Robyn, their mass of children and their bushy-haired husband, I be to acceptable responses like:

"But you're a person."

"But you're a feminist."

"But you're a priest."

"But you're monogamous... right?"

My answers to each are "Yes, yes, yes" - and "of course!"

So how can a free Christian monogamist feminist female priest such as for myself love a sensationalistic candor TV cover about a polygamous fundamentalist Mormon family?

I hypothesize it all goes back to the meaning of marriage itself. Most adults in our society understand marriage as a special classic of contact, a tightness so of interest that two become one-as certain by Sunrise 2:24, or, if you good turn, the Spice up Girls.

This relation is accurate by an skillful "till death do us part" care to live together all that you are and all that you influence with a note other sum. For abundant couples that special love expands with time, creating space for children who spur be acclaimed, cuddled, and raised with the best of intentions.

Christians today see marriage as an institution that provides a stop and piece rout to practice shut well. By brooding about a note other, one learns what it route to love all kin well, and furthermore point that love taking part in the world.

This is a beautiful image, but firm to keep going up to. Dead nights at work, dressing kids for soccer practice, dusting, fare, vacuuming, not easy to get that orange bathe out of a spouse's liking top for the sixth time - it can spin marriage taking part in a black hole.

You can read the affair in its unbroken at:

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