The lone tool a witch non-negotiable requirements to work attentively is herself. Apparatus do add the energy invested all the rage them by the witch and her Delightful alliance all the rage works, but don't trance that in the business of widescale persecution ("may it never be so!"), and in the business that a witch was ever denied her tools ("may it never be so!"), that she (or he) would be incapacitated. It isn't true. Gift bother been grow old behind all I've had to use was my ghoul, get-up-and-go, mind and some ungenerous physical action.
I don't trance it's a good belief to produce the belief that a witch Requirements her tools to be effective. A witch requirements to collide with that belief. I love my tools, but in the end, if they were stolen or active from me, the energy I've invested in them would neat return TO ME. I also trance a witch does request to produce this latter belief - that the power invested in her tools belongs to her and can NEVER be stolen or active away.
If a witch lacks some reserved aspect, mount newborn aspect with the kavanah to storage out the heart of the ritual. The get-up-and-go and ghoul of a witch is empowered to do this.
In Judaism, the power to do this is called Da'at Torah.
As a witch, embark on the fact which surrounds your tools.
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