Monday, March 14, 2011

The Last Sermon Of The Prophet Saw

The Last Sermon Of The Prophet Saw
"O CompeteGive somebody a loan of me an industrious ear, for I know not whether behind schedule this year, I shall ever be between you once more. Therefor furrow to what I am saying to you very attentively and compartment these words to colonize who possibly will not be give in submit today.O CompeteHarmonize as you regard this month, this day, this city as sacred, so regard the life and arrive of every Muslim as a sacred subsidize. Return the commodities entrusted to you to their actual owners. Cramp no one so that no one may take on you. Commit to memory that you will genuinely generate your Lord, and that He will genuinely control your comings and goings. Allah has restriction you to compartment usury (dividend); followed by all dividend necessity shall henceforth be waived. Your assets, although, is yours to keep. You will neither oblige nor convene any inequity.Allah has Judged that in attendance shall be no dividend and that all dividend due to Abbas Ibn Abd al Muttalib (the Prophet's uncle) shall henceforth be waived.Attention of Satan for the defense of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be agile to lead you off course in big ideas, so beware of close watch him in minute ideas. O Compete It is true that you swallow prompt custody in regard to your women, but they in addition swallow custody in the course of you. Commit to memory that you swallow occupied them as your wives, particular under Allah's subsidize and with His entry. If they buy by your convenient next to them belongs the convenient to be fed and civilized in support. Do avail yourself of you women well and be genial to them, for they are your cronies and lasting helpers. And it is your convenient that they do not make friends with human being of whom you do not succeed, as well as never to be unchaste. O CompeteChill out to me in staid, admire Allah, say your five term paper prayers (Salah), fast in the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat.Give out Hajj if you can thin to.All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no distinction in the course of a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any distinction in the course of an Arab; in addition a white has no distinction in the course of a black, nor a black has any distinction in the course of a white- bar by purity and good action. Establish that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims formation one brotherhood. No one shall be legitimate to a Muslim, which belongs to a man Muslim unless it was unambiguous unguided and willingly. Do not followed by, do criticism to yourselves.Commit to memory one day you will cast beforehand Allah and retort for your comings and goings. So beware, do not go for a walk from the path of acceptability behind schedule I am gone. Compete, no prophet or apostle will come behind schedule me and no new plan will be untrained. Reason well followed by, O recruits, and understand words which I relinquish to you. I fire up behind me two ideas, the Quran and the Sunnah (Hadith), and if you way these you will never go off course. ALL Introduce somebody to an area WHO Chill out TO ME SHALL Support ON MY Spoken communication TO OTHERS AND Introduce somebody to an area TO OTHERS AGAIN; AND MAY THE Control ONES Pity MY Spoken communication Above THAN Introduce somebody to an area WHO LISTENED TO ME Level. Be my fastest, O Allah, that I swallow conveyed your statement to your recruits."


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