Wednesday, March 9, 2011

November Full Moon And Partial Lunar Eclipse

November Full Moon And Partial Lunar Eclipse
In November, the Mourning Moon is upon us. It's also known as the Fog Moon or Snow Moon, depending on where you live. Some Native American tribes referred to it simply as The Moon When Deer Shed Antlers. However, in most regions it's more accurate to say they're "shedding their velvet" because a buck doesn't usually lose antlers until later in the winter, unless you're farther north.

Alternate names: Mourning Moon, Fog Moon, Snow Moon, Beaver Moon, Frosty MoonColors: Gray, blues

Gemstones: Lapis lazuli, turquoise, topaz

Trees: Cypress, alder, hazel

Dieties: Bastet, Isis, Kali, Hecate, Astarte

Herbs: Thistle, betony, verbena, fennel

Element: Water

This is a time to cleanse away the baggage of the past and let it go. Once you've done that, you'll be able to be in the now, as well as have better focus on the future. During the Mourning Moon phase, you can also take this opportunity to say goodbye to bad habits or toxic relationships so you can have fresh start for the new year.

This moon is also known as the Beaver Moon. In the past, this was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter.

It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon. This name is obviously because it's the time when we wake up in the morning to frost.

Wikipedia calls this The Hunter's Moon, It is so named because plenty of moonlight is ideal for hunters shooting migrating birds in Northern Europe. The name is also said to have been used by Native Americans as they tracked and killed their prey by autumn moonlight, stockpiling food for the winter ahead.

Although they appear so, this moon is not brighter, smaller, or yellower than during other times of the year. However, I have found many articles describing this November moon as the smallest of the year.


Before you get too excited, you have to know that this eclipse will not be visually spectaular. To even catch the entire event, one must be in Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, or east Asia. Although the penumbral (lunar) eclipse lasts for over four and one-half hours, you're only likely to notice a slight shading on the north side of the moon for up to an hour or so, centered at greatest eclipse (14:33 Universal Time). At least 70% of the moon's diameter must be immersed within the Earth's penumbral shadow before the eclipse becomes noticeable. At greatest eclipse on November 28, the penumbral shadow will cover nearly 92% of the moon's diameter. You'll just see a dusky shading covering most of the moon.

You might also notice a bright "star" near the moon. This isn't a star but is the planet Jupiter. The moon and Jupiter will be even closer together tomorrow night. (Source and

Many of you may be wondering why a lunar eclipse is so close to the solar eclipse we had earlier this month. This is because a lunar eclipse usually occurs two weeks before or two weeks after a solar eclipse, but it is possible to have a lunar eclipse both before and after a solar eclipse. In that case there are three eclipses two weeks apart. (Talk about a stressful time of life!)

When an eclipse aligns closely with one of your planets, it will be a very significant eclipse for you. The only way to know which planet this will be is to look at your own natal chart. Some astrologers also believe that an eclipse only influences you if you are in the shadow. In the case of this lunar eclipse, that would be if you are in Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, or east Asia. I personally find this to be bogus and have found eclipses where I was not in the shadow to have a major influence in my life. (Source

This lunar eclipse is at 6o Gemini 47' in the stormy Hyades star cluster found along the face of Taurus, the Bull. Dark Star Astrology believes this is an extremely important eclipse due to the fact the Sun/Moon opposition forms the center rod of a very destined Lilith Yod. There are conjunctions at each corner and they contain all the potent sexual planets. This eclipse will bring a sharp focus on soul mates and love triangles. Also giving influence is Mars conjunct Pluto which is on Facies, which she describes as "the penetrating, and sometimes ruthless stare of the archer."

So if you have any planet or point in your chart between 6o-9o, then you will feel this eclipse significantly. Dark Star Astrology says, "This Yod has both light and dark to it. Venus conjunct Saturn speaks of solid love commitments while Mars conjunct Pluto is deeply erotic, earth-shattering, volcanic sex. Phew, all that shooting down to Moon/Lilith. That's one hell of an orgasm. I think this eclipse will reunite soul mates, but not in an easy way at all. It could be fatal attraction, reconnecting you with an old soul mate who brought you pain and sorrow, but with whom one becomes obsessed due to the past-life recognition." I know it's a long full quote, but like I was going to try and paraphrase that!

She goes on to describe aspects of this lunar eclipse by saying, "It reminds me of something like Wife Swap where you mix up some Christian Fundamentalists with a Pagan couple." This quote was so great I just had to include it. For more details about the aspects surrounding this eclipse please visit Dark Star Astrology.


You may have heard rumors that there is a three eclipses in November and December and that these are tied to the Dec 21, 2012 Mayan prophecy. This is in fact completely false. The next lunar eclipse isn't until April 25, 2013 and the next solar eclipse isn't until May 10, 2013. Even by themselves, these two November eclipses aren't anything extraordinary, so it's unlikely that there are any ties to the Mayan prophecy. (Source

As you can see from the previous section of this post, this particular eclipse is more likely to focus on soul mates and sexual love triangles. It's hardly something that's likely to bring on the end of the world.

In fact, this lunar eclipse makes it pretty ironic that the ritual I have always shared with the November full moon is about mourning and releasing a relationship.

A MOURNING MOON RITUAL from Solitary WitchesPurpose: To mourn a relationship, in order to release it, reclaim the energy, and make room for new growth and new relationships. You can adapt this ritual to mourn other things as well such as the loss of a job, a home, pet, and so on.

Tools: A black candle (black is better but you can substitute a white candle if needed)A black cord, rope, or string about two feet long. (In a pinch, a shoelace will work too.)Scissors or other cutting tool such as your bolline

*Optional An apache tear (the stone of mourning) or a stone or crystal that absorbs negative energy (see a list here)

Another option would be to take a warm, soothing shower or bath. Imagine all your negativity being washed away by the water and disappearing forever into the drain.

The Working: *Text in" italics" is to be spoken but you can add, take out, or change it to make it more personal

"Oh Mother Moon, represented now in the Wheel of the Year by the Full Mourning Moon, you represent endings and beginnings."

"At this time, I wish to mourn "what might have been" in my relationship "The weight of that relationship is too much for me to bear any longer. "is still alive, my connection "must be broken in order for me to continue on my path of growth. I am wasting too much energy trying to keep alive my hope that anything is ever going to be any different. It is not."

"Mother Moon, I ask you to help me release the hope that I have carried for so long, and to accept what I have known for a long time - that there is no hope that I will ever get "what I want."

Whisper, sing, chant, move, dance, beat drums, shake rattles. Cry. Say what needs to be said to that person. Do whatever you need to release all the negativity within you.

*Optional Hold apache tear, stone, gem, or crystal in your hands and pour your feelings into it. Or take a cleansing bath or shower.

When "empty," pick up the cord. Hold one end to solar plexus chakra and the other end straight out so the cord is taut.

"May my connection "be broken".

Cut the cord about halfway along its length with the scissors or bolline.

Sending the Energy say: "She changes everything she touches; everything she touches changes. As I light this candle, my will be done. This, or something better, for the Highest Good of all concerned."

Light the black candle and leave it burning throughout the rest of the ritual.

Imagine the remainder of the energy flowing to God, Goddess, and Spirit; stand in Goddess position and "let go."

(*Optional) After the Ritual Leave the apache tear, stone, or crystal in running water (a fountain or just a sink with the tap running) until its energy feels "clean."

Bury the end of the cord, rope, or string closest to you on your property. As you do say:"Accept this offering, Goddess and God. May it strengthen my bonds with you and demonstrate my willingness for new relationships to enter my life. Blessed be."

As soon as possible, take the end of the cord farthest from you and bury it off your property. Other options include burning it and scattering the ashes off your property, or even giving it to the person you are breaking ties with (you can simply leave it on their property).

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