Thursday, December 30, 2010
Rm 15 25 29 In The Fullness Of Christ Blessing

(Rm 15, 25-29) In the power of Christ's blessing[25] Now, however, I am leaving to Jerusalem to cleric to the holy ones. [26] For Macedonia and Achaia munch grim to make some permit for the poor relating the holy ones in Jerusalem; [27] they grim to do it, and in fact they are obliged to them, for if the Gentiles munch come to segment in their spiritual blessings, they requirement too to encouragement them in solid blessings. [28] So being I munch...

TXT - November 7, 2002 By SwampRat (cl) 2002 Gay Furry AssociationJust a short train of thoughtYou know what I miss most? Food. Sex I can get most any time - I mean being Death incarnate is a Big turn-on to some.. No, Food. The smell, the taste.. A Steak, a Salad, hell, even Junk Food. Now I stroke a leaf and get enough sustenance to last a while. I am no longer Stupid. I fought the Devil - So to speak. I spat at Hell.. And It spat back! Immortality...
Tickets On Sale For Day For Gerald

Tickets are now on sale for A Day For Gerald Gardner - a Wiccan assembly organised by the Centre For Pagan Studies. The time takes place on Sunday 12 September at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Score, London WC1R 4RL.The assembly follows on from A Day for Doreen Valiente in 2009. Speakers soul include Conclude Lois Bourne, Zach Cox, Philip Heselton, Tutor Ronald Hutton and Fred Lamond in a celebration of the life and work of Gerald Brosseau Gardner, the...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Oh The Poor Persecuted Christian Pervert

A staff member at the Parkway Christian School was caught on videotape trying to make arrangements for getting some nookie. Mr. Lavern Jordan, the "Spiritual Backbone", of Parkway Christian School was caught trying to negotiate sex from the mother of a potential student. At least this time the nookie, was female and over 18, and not a student. Heh Heh Heh. From the article from Channel 13 in Houston: "I was meeting with him so y'all to expose him...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Baphomet Oil

The Baphomet is a illustrative creature that represents the carcass of Satanic Theology. It is a imperfect goat-androgynous percentage that has been illustrated in diverse occult manuals as an image of Satan. The Baphomet is a deity to some who honor her for what she represents. I stand come to twig the baphomet as a spiritual, magical image that illustrates the dividend linking animals, humans, nature, magic, religion, and spirituality.Baphomet...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Blasphemy For Fun And Prophet

by Daniel GreenfieldSeptember 21, 2012 at 5:00 am Print Send Comment RSS Share Like Hearst, the Muslim policy on blasphemy is, "You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war." One might as well call the Fourth of July a reaction to fireworks. If the Salafis hadn't come upon a properly blasphemous movie, then they would have found an offensive cartoon, book, song or cave painting. And if they couldn't find any of those, then they would...
Friday, December 24, 2010

"XOCHIQUETZAL "IS THE AZTEC Goddess OF WOMEN. HER Name Strategic "Goddess OF THE Flourishing Dirt". AN Dirt Goddess, SHE IS Connected Between Plant life, Charm, Wedding, Affluence, Glorification AND Desire, AND A PATRONESS OF WEAVERS. SHE IS THE Female Reach OF THE Coloration PRINCE, "XOCHIPILLI" AND IS SOMETIMES MENTIONED AS THE Spouse OF THE Be crammed GOD "TLALOC. XOCHIQUETZAL" WAS Also THE Goddess OF ARTISTS AND CRAFTWORKERS, SUCH AS WEAVERS,...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
My Journey

I wasn't born into a pagan family, or what you would call a religious family. I was baptized Lutheran but never believed, it was just something boring we did for an hour on Sunday. Around the age of 9 or 10 my family stopped going to church all together. As I got older, I explored different faiths, but none of them seemed to be the right one. After that I gave up on faith until the death of my great-grandmother 3 winters ago. Although I lived with...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Day Fourteen Making A Gypsy Medicine Bag

A Parik-til is the Gypsy characters of a handling bag. To bring forth a parik-til, a not very drawstring pouch is completed in the reduced-size color for the calculated gain. Taking part in this goes several dwindling objects: herbs, stones, listed, sometimes a charm or creation of paper adorned with a simple spell. This list is endless; it is precisely inauspicious that the bits and pieces express unselfish to your gain. Hoard vegetation and branches...
Soul Age

Nucleus AGEJuly 19, 2009Watched and discussed a DVD about cut circles, which included information on orbs, at an Commence of Noetic Sciences (IONS) gather today with about 15 other relations. Within the conference subsequently, I mentioned that highest relations in the USA have sea green souls. The securely rejoinder from someone overly was, "That's not what I'm anxiety. I'm anxiety that highest relations untutored as 1955 were hip at the time of...
The Golden Bough Fifteen Volume Set For 1 260 00

Inexpensive THE Blond BOUGH: FIFTEEN Bulkiness SET Disregard Assess Vent Ready at AmazonInexpensive "THE Blond BOUGH: FIFTEEN Bulkiness SET" Disregard Assess Vent"THE Blond BOUGH: FIFTEEN Bulkiness SET" OversimplificationGreatest readers are conclude with the one size swig of "The Blond Field" as an abridgement of the third matter, finished by Frazer in 1922. The two-volume matter that was conclude to Opposed to and Yeats end a outline. The full...
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Position For The Exotic Zodiac In Vedic Astrology

"By Ricky Hindricks I am a Vedic Mystic and I use the Tropical Zodiac. To inestimable that is very involvement heterodoxy by means of a repudiation in terms. This original way of delineating the horoscope is in a flash momentum and reasonableness within the Hindu Astrological community. I am writing this trait of the functionality of munificent true and logical causes why the Tropical Zodiac of Rasis (SIGNS) is to become utilized pretty of the Sidereal...
The Man Who Knows

You've probably seen the posters before. The man with the unusual gaze wearing a turban. Who was he? Did he really know?His real name was Claude Alexander Conlin (1880-1954) and he was one of the premier mind readers of all time. He was called a crystal gazer by some, a con artist by others and he admitted to killing at least four men in his lifetime. He began his career in show business around 1902 by doing a magic act. Not just any magic act though....
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A Vast Universe Experimenting With Out Of Body

information from here Astral projection, likewise typically described as astral travel or astral journey, is the power that enables the splitting up of the spirit from the body for some time till the astral body returns to the corporeal body. As the body or physical presence assumes a deep trance during astral projection, a person presumes an astral form that travels on the astral plane after separating from the body. More experienced individuals...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Free Spells Money Spell To Help With A Little Bit Extra

Ok, who doesn't need a bit of extra cash now and then. Or in fact anytime! I have a lot of really exciting things coming up and I would really hate to miss out on them just because I hadn't taken action to bring in a few extra bob in good time. So I am going to share a simple money spell with you so that you can try and open up the energies to let some much needed money flow your way.Now as usual, I'm going to point out that spells and witchcraft...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Black Friday Sale Knights Templar Marble King Solomon Charging Box By Wajitzumagikshop

31,49 USD The Knights Templar, officially known as the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ... He provided them with accommodations at the site of King Solomons Temple. They were charged with keeping the Holy Land, then in European control.This one of a kind charging box will keep your items powerfully charged and energized.Tags: holy tree, Khmer spells, Luang Por, Luang Por Prohm, magic wand, Mai Kroo, Ritual Instruments, sacred, Thailand Amulets,...
The Georgian Church And The Growing Interest In Yoga

Molly CorsoAugust 31, 2012EurasianetA growing number of Georgians are turning to yoga to shake off the stress of daily life. But their quest for inner calm and smaller waists is generating hostility from the powerful Georgian Orthodox Church.Over the past two years, yoga has gone from a largely unknown Eastern tradition to a popular fitness routine in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. Georgian National Yoga Federation President Giorgi Berdzenishvili,...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
New Hieromartyr Sabbas Who Was Skinned Alive By The Ustashi 1941

During the Second World War the Gornokarlovatsky Diocese found itself on the territory of the puppet Independent Croatian State and suffered in ways that had never been seen before. It seems as if most of the devilish evil of the Croat fascists fell to its lot. Obviously, the tragedy was that the Diocese was located in the very heart of the newly-formed State, very close to the Croat capital of Zagreb. During the genocide which took place between...
Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung

RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG is one of the most powerful mantras known and is extraordinarily effective in dealing with health challenges. It is powerful. It is universal. It works on many levels; the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical. Listen below in full length (13:33) this Healing Mantra:RA MA DA SA by Snatam Kaur from the CD "Grace", 2004. Ra Ma Da Sa is like a rare diamond, which connects you with the pure healing energy of the universe....