Saturday, December 18, 2010

Soul Age

Soul Age
Nucleus AGEJuly 19, 2009Watched and discussed a DVD about cut circles, which included information on orbs, at an Commence of Noetic Sciences (IONS) gather today with about 15 other relations. Within the conference subsequently, I mentioned that highest relations in the USA have sea green souls. The securely rejoinder from someone overly was, "That's not what I'm anxiety. I'm anxiety that highest relations untutored as 1955 were hip at the time of Jesus." Here were some hilarious observations, and we laughed about it while separate relations in that room were untutored former 1955 and went on to speak other facts.The responder to my note missed the whole lessening. Generally exclamation, it is thought that fundamental age does not forward to how various lives a fundamental has lived on earth in human form or how various existence the fundamental has been incarnating on earth but to the demonstration of the fundamental. Extremely, some sea green souls have lived stuck-up lives than some chic souls. We have embody on earth at this time offspring souls, young person souls, sea green souls, chic souls, old souls, and even a separation or two bonus. One of the two categories bonus the old fundamental level is transcendental, but I neglect the name of the other. I was favored to have a friend and mingle in the initially imperfect of the 1990s who was bonus the old fundamental level. She experienced various of the enormously difficulties as others and had some of the enormously issues, but she had a inevitable corpus that I possibly will deem was straightforwardly bonus my own. Obtained Michael Overleaves readings for every one of us, and that was categorical. (I'm an old fundamental and dormant have some developing to do!)Here is a human animal fundamental group upright as their are fundamental groups for other plants. We have the human organization living being, called ego and magnetism. In addition to we have guise divine souls who get deeper parts of their corpus fashionable these human body-mind units. We are spiritual beings having human experiences. Following one prays, "Not my impulsion but thy impulsion be done," one is submitting the impulsion of the organization mind/ego/personality to the impulsion of Divine--Divine Nucleus and Wonderful Oversoul. By design and knowingly aligning with one's fundamental and one's oversoul is a start on the road to becoming and since the fundamental embody (preferably than identifying with the ego/personality).Seeking to promote (nationally and want very much hoard), we are one standard as Angel-Light. Our healing/teaching piece of work at this level of station is supported by aid. If you salutation the blogs, the services, and the household message communications, meet with disappear what you can, on every occasion you can, as repeatedly as you can.Angel-Light WeaknessHealing/Wellbeing Facilitator(Spirit-Mind-Body-Environment)

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  • Soul AgeNucleus AGEJuly 19, 2009Watched and discussed a DVD about cut circles, which included information on orbs, at an Commenc… Read More