Thursday, December 30, 2010


TXT - November 7, 2002
By SwampRat
(cl) 2002 Gay Furry Association

Just a short train of thought

You know what I miss most? Food. Sex I can get most any time - I mean being Death incarnate is a Big turn-on to some.. No, Food. The smell, the taste.. A Steak, a Salad, hell, even Junk Food. Now I stroke a leaf and get enough sustenance to last a while. I am no longer Stupid. I fought the Devil - So to speak. I spat at Hell.. And It spat back! Immortality is so much fun I could just.. Well, I can do That either.

I am basically a ball of un-energy, sucking life force from anything I touch.
And the fun part is I am still that same guy who was in the Wrong place at the Wrong time so long ago.. Just because I co-habit a body with a Dragon that lives in a world of Chaos, can't die no matter What is done to me, know half the Legions of Hell by their first name.. Ok so Maybe not Half. But I am Still me. I still Lust, desire, need. And Hunger is always my Shadow. Never satisfied, just Sated for a while.. Such is the way of the Lich.

< Feeling sorry for yourself? >

I have to laugh. Ithkassa has it just as Bad, being tied to a weakling Human - If only by a third of his soul. I have heard of Soul-mates But I mean Really..
Scaled lips kissed my nonexistent ones..

< Always and forever One.. Or do you think you will find that part of you that the Demon took? >

I am Only Human.. Hope Springs eternal and all that.. Hey! That's My ass you are slapping there.. All I get is a squeeze and my other half is gone again..
You know I never thought I would miss stubbing my toe. Waking with an aching back.. Coffee - I would Kill for a good cup of coffee. And do what with it..
Splash it against My wards? Ah well... At least I get to scare beings, take a few of the worse ones out.. Chaos doesn't't care. And Law - Hah! I don't know how many Lawful beings have tried to exorcise me.. Fat lot of good it does.
Then again - Maybe a God could lift my curse.. But I doubt it. They are usually too busy to bother about ants like me.

In the mean time I get to suck the life-force from a flea and drool - mentally
- about a thick slab of meat with a big tossed green salad and something with way too much sugar and chocolate for desert. *Sigh*

The End


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