How can we contact the paranormal? There are various forms of paranormal such as spirits (any incorporeal supernatural beings), ghosts (souls of the dead), demons (evil supernatural beings), or guardian angels (benevolent spiritual beings). Various methods are derived to contact the paranormal beings like psychic mediums and paranormal investigators, or using Ouija boards, incantations, and meditation.
Some people are trained to talk with spirits, to find answers to questions. It is claimed that law enforcement, when working on hopeless cases of missing persons, hired psychic mediums to look for possible clues.
Paranormal investigators are professional, who earned a living, hunts for ghost in haunted places. They used special sensitive devices to detect supernatural presence on the scene. Their equipment includes: digital and video cameras, tape recorders, and EMF meters.
Ouija board is a divine item specially encoded with letters, numbers, and the words "yes", "no", and "goodbye" printed on it. With the hand as a pointer, the communicating spirit will attempt to answer the questions with the text on the board. However, this activity can be potentially dangerous as many warned. This led to several ignorants people challenging the danger for their purpose of fun.
Reading of magical words and phrases led to casting of spells on spirits, people or objects. In certain cults, spells can be used for raising spirits or performing dangerous acts.
Meditation is a practice to focus the practitioner mind, bringing a person to the state of a higher consciousness. Meditation is considered to be the safest method to contact the supernatural. By making yourself comfortable, concentrate on your breathing, relax your body, and empty your mind. Being calm and maintaining a clear head, you will have a chance to feel or receive a message from the paranormal. Ask clear and concise questions, and you may receive clear answers.
An important fact is paranormal contacts can be fatal for those unprepared people. Learn more about the safety measures before undertaking any attempt to contact the paranormal.
Origin: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com