Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Magic Of Mother Essencevictoria Pettella

The Magic Of Mother Essencevictoria Pettella
THE MAGIC OF MOTHER'S ESSENCEVICTORIA PETTELLA*One can Be a Mother to Many Things..Mother can also Be a SACRED PLACE one feels withinMother can be a place that is warm, a space to Grow without fearA space of love to stretch your Wings of LifeMother can be a safe coccoon to become Strong and Empowered againMother is a song in your lonely heart that heals and turns all thingsto Love and Light once again**Mother can be many thingsMother can be all thingsThere are Mothers of ChildrenMothers of SpiritMothers of CreativityMothers of Poetry and Prose and the Written WordMother's of all things that GrowMothers of a Garden..of each and every Shining FlowerMothers of Song, Music and HarmonyMothers of Travellings Souls, Those Brave Gypsy spirits exploring the body of Mother Earth teaching us wisdomThere are Mothers of Nature and Mother's of Beautiful Creatures big and smallMother Earth, Mother GoddessMothers of Myth and Folklore, Mothers of Religion, Saints,The Divine MotherArchetypal Mothers of Tradition and CultureMothers carrying the Ancestral Trees of Life*There are Universal Mothers of the Sacred Elementsof Water, Earth, Air and Fire and EtherThere are Mothers of the Stars and Sky, the Sun and Dancing Heavens*There are Mothers of MagicMothers of the FairiesMothers of the InvisibleMothers of EnchantmentMothers of Art and all artformsMothers of Creative projects...Mother Weavers..of books and ideas...and stories that come into Form *Mothers come in many FormsChildren come in many Forms*CELEBRATING THE ESSENCE OF MOTHERYOU MAY HAVE FOUND THIS ESSENCE IN YOUR OWN MOTHER..OR EVEN BLESSED TO FIND SOMEONE WHO HAS BECOME LIKE A SURROGATE MOTHER TO YOU IN SOME WAY....SOMEONE WHO FEELS LIKE A MOTHER TO YOU..You may be One who Carries Mother's Essence and never had a child..BUT YOUR CHILDREN ARE THE CREATIVE LIFE ESSENCE YOU GIVE BIRTH TO EVERY DAY!*WHATEVER KIND OF MOTHER YOU ARE..KNOW EACH OF YOU ARE REAL..VALID..MAGNIFICENT AND PERFECT.. JUST AS YOU ARE!
Whether you have walked the Pathof a Traditional Mother and bore a child from your Beautiful Body..or whether you adopted one..or whether you never had a physical experience of giving childbirth...or raising children,you may be a MOTHER OF CREATION..walking the Earth giving birth to Children that come in many forms of Magic, Light and Beauty!
Wishing everyone the Beauty of Mother's EssenceThe Magic of Mother's Essence belongs to all..
I Know Mothers that come in all shapes and formsMANY PEOPLE CELEBRATE THIS DAY...BUT I ALSO KNOW THERE ARE THOSE WHO HAVE NOT HAD THE LUXURY OF KNOWING THIER MOTHER OR HAVING ONE..AND ALSO THOSE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR MOTHERS..OR THOSE MOTHERS WHO HAVE LOST A CHILD..*so for some today is a day of both joy and challenge( keep those close in your heart!)*Whatever your path....wishing you all Blessings in whatever way you need..and may your Hearts fill with The Powerful Lov a Mother's Essence in whatever way it is sent for you to Receive!*WE ALL CARRY MOTHER'S ESSENCE..WE ALL CARRY THE ABILITY TO LOVE...NOURISH, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE..INSPIRE, EMBODY STRENGTH, HEALING, TO EMPOWER, TO EMANATE WISDOM AND GIVE ALL THAT WE ARE...TO WHATEVER WE ARE A MOTHER TO...
Celebrate Mother's all forms...Blessings Today and Always..*Share your Own Magicof Mother's Essence*Victoria PettellaAwake with Charm and Spirit


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