Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Journey

My Journey
I wasn't born into a pagan family, or what you would call a religious family. I was baptized Lutheran but never believed, it was just something boring we did for an hour on Sunday. Around the age of 9 or 10 my family stopped going to church all together. As I got older, I explored different faiths, but none of them seemed to be the right one. After that I gave up on faith until the death of my great-grandmother 3 winters ago. Although I lived with my mother, father and my great grandmother. It was my great grandmother who raised me, and when she passed it re-awakened the want for something to believe in, I was already very interested in my Scottish and Irish ancestry, so that's what lead my to exploring pagan faith and traditions, specifically Celtic and Druid practices. And here I come to find out some of the from my grand mother the daughter of my great grandmother, the traditions of yellow flowers and thorn bush for Beltane and a log for Yule, where all traditions the my Scottish side had always did but didn't know where it come form, so I guess it really came full circle.

After except, myself and my family's past traditions, my life has finally start to go right. I got my dream job after 5 years of no job, I am visited in dreams by family in the spirit world. And above all a feel complete.


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