Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Oh The Poor Persecuted Christian Pervert

Oh The Poor Persecuted Christian Pervert
A staff member at the Parkway Christian School was caught on videotape trying to make arrangements for getting some nookie. Mr. Lavern Jordan, the "Spiritual Backbone", of Parkway Christian School was caught trying to negotiate sex from the mother of a potential student. At least this time the nookie, was female and over 18, and not a student. Heh Heh Heh. From the article from Channel 13 in Houston: "I was meeting with him so y'all to expose him to the world and to those parents sending their kids up there," the mother told us.

Because days earlier, she says Jordan had offered to waive his school's enrollment fee in exchange for sex. It all happened in a graphic conversation that unfortunately for Mr. Jordan was recorded for us all to hear.

Jordan: "Excuse me and I don't mean to be so blunt but I am talking about f

Mother: "You talking about what?"

Jordan: "F

Jordan: "For the 300 I would expect maybe we could get together several times, you think?"

Mother: "Several times, whatcha mean several times?"

Jordan: "Well I don't know, you might like whatcha getting." Looks like the school has special arrangements for those who can't pay in cash.

Oh and look at this statement from Parkway:Channel 13 chose to run a piece slandering our school's name and reputation. They filmed our school doors, sign,and phone number, but did not have the professional courtesy to interview me, although I called the station manager and informed him of a falsehood. I requested a callback interview numerous times, in which I did not recieve in a timely fashion.

Furthermore, Mr. Wayne Dolcefino and his camera crew were in the school parking lot on 4/17/08 and interviewed students and parents without even talking to me. A new story was aired 4/17/08 at 10 p.m. and we still had not recieved a call or interview. Today is 4/18/08 and they finally want an interview after they have already damaged the schools' name and integrity. The stories that were run were entirely one-sided. A true report is getting both sides of the story. We have now been advised by our legal council not to grant any local media interviews.

Furthermore, we would like to add that the woman in question did not handle the situation properly. Had she called to inform me of this incident, the matter would have been handled promptly and properly.I can not do anything about a situation that I am not aware of. As soon as I was informed, Mr. Jordan was no longer a part of Parkway Christian School,Inc., nor is he the founder. I started PCSI 13 years ago, to help the lives and futures of teenagers that got lost in the system of public schooling. Mr. Jordan was never and is not a founder of PCSI.

Channel 13 and the woman in question owe Parkway Christian School, Inc. a public apology for the unjust manner in which the incident was handled. My family, students, and school should not have to suffer the blame for something that we did not know was happening.

Respectfully yours,

Barbara A. Jordan

Founder, PCSIWhat a set of brass balls. One of their employees propositions a potential customer and it's her fault? Wow, I guess Christian shit doesn't stink. Oh, and it looks like the whole school is a scam.

So that day, more than 100 Parkway Christian students walked across the stage to "Pomp and Circumstance," accepted their diploma and shook hands with Jordan, many of them having never set foot in a Parkway Christian classroom.The school seems to only have three employees from their website. Another Texas education scam where kids can pay for a diploma. And according to some Christians, they are supposed to be more morally developed than us lowly unbelievers. If this is "superior moral development", then I want no part of it.

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