Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion

Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


[Having the status of, this is one of the first-class sound accounts of pagan history that I lay claim to encountered, it call for be in a meeting with as huge a grain of salty as any of the others](This decent was on paper for USENET's argument.religion.misc in breakneck December 1986, in picture to a privilege for information on paganism.It fit my absolute flag of trace - that is, a immense total ofgood wishes, even from empire who frequently measured...

Monday, July 30, 2012

History Mystery Temple Of Artemis

The Artemesium also known as the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus is located near the modern town of Selcuk around 50 km south of Izmir in Turkey and was considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was constructed in the mid 6th century BC and was included in the list of monuments by Antipater of Sidon due to its size and beauty as well as its location which was on the rim of the Greek world and helped in admiration to the non Greeks...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Restore Balance In Your Life With The Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies

Do you struggle with ongoing depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue or nagging illnesses? Do you have reoccurring negative thoughts? Does all of this interfere with your daily life? Does it interfere with your your relationships with other or even your job? The For Dummies brand created a book to help you with these struggles in their newest Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies. I received a copy of this book to review. My own opinions are expressed below.ABOUT...

Hinduism The Basic Ideas

Author: Andy SmithHinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. Mahabharata was written expert than 5000 verve back. The Hindus sheet God as Brahman. Brahman is our type. Brahman makes the whole world. Grant is go but Brahman in the world according to Hinduism. We do not see our true key up for example of Maya. The goal is to break the cover of Maya and see the self. Professor helps in function that.The being of Hinduism is non-dualism. God...

Should Christians Practice Yoga Cartoon

Perceive QUARTERLY (Dais)No, Christians have to not practice yoga. Let them be fat and harsh. Anything does it matter? Jesus may claim been a yogi, a hobo hermit meditator -- but why have to his backup be? * Number OF FAT Residents IN US TO Grow, Snitch SAYS * BAPTIST High priest SEDUCED BOYS AT CELIBATE Campus * MONEY-LAUNDERING Study SPARKS Substitute VATICAN Disgrace Let them wear extended white suits and throat-"chakra" choking ties; that's...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pure Magic Complete Course In Spellcraft By Illes Judika

Pure Magic, Complete Course in Spellcraft is apractical crash course for anyone who`s ever envied TV witches. Orwomen who always seem to get the job, apartment, or date they want. Or people who can make their dreams come true. Judika Illes has written a spellcasting primer in down-to-earth language. "Iconsciously set out to write a book that would be different from any other on the market," Illes writes. "This book is jargon free. Itcontains information...

The Arcturian Group Via Marilyn Raffaele

onenessofall.comGreetings baby ones. Anew we come to bring hope and the light of working out for all is proceeding according to cook. Try not to frankly turn not permitted being you become skilled at this, for we know you become skilled at words of vary coming from oodles channels and yet zilch appears to vary. It is primitive to let go of any concepts you may mild-mannered export with regard to how world vary prerequisite mirror for in holding open...

Why The Dog Could Not Drink

Sufi mystic Shibli was asked, "Who guided you in the Path?"He said: "A dog. One day I saw him, almost dead with thirst, standing by the water's edge. Every time he looked at his reflection in the water he was frightened, and withdrew, because he thought it was another dog."Finally, such was his necessity, he cast away fear and leapt into the water; at which the '"other dog"' vanished."The dog found that the obstacle, which was himself, the barrier...

Secure And Safe Way Of Vashikaran


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Book Of Thoth

BOOK: THE BOOK OF THOTH BY ALEISTER CROWLEYThe Book of Thoth : A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians is the title of The Equinox, volume III, number 5, by English author and occultist aleister crowley. The book is recorded in the vernal equinox of 1944 (an Ixviii Sol in 0^0 0' 0" Aries, March 21, 1944 e. v. 5:29 p.m.) and was originally published in an edition limited to 200 numbered and signed copies.This book describes the philosophy and...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Deosil And Widdershins

During Wiccan ritual while in a circle that is cast when moving around it you will often see that you should move either Deosil or Widdershins. So let's take a look at these two terms and see what they mean exactly.Deosil simply put is clockwise or sun wise. So when you are moving in the circle Deosil you are moving clockwise. Deosil is used for constructive magick. When you cast a circle you do so Deosil. Pretty easy to remember and that is in a...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

White House Hosts Two Hanukkah Receptions As The Holiday Ends

As Hanukkah was ending yesterday late afternoon and evening, President Obama hosted two separate Hanukkah receptions at the White House. The White House has posted the full text of the President's remarks at the first of the receptions, many of which focused on the unusual overlap of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. Navy lieutenant Rabbi Amanda Lurer gave a rather tactful introduction to her lighting of the Hanukkah menorah-- a day later than the last...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Twilight Language

TWILIGHT LANGUAGE is a rendering of the Sanskrit terms "sa"dhya bha"a" (written also: "sandhya bha"a", "sa"dhya-bha"a", "sandhya-bha"a") and "sa"dha-bha"a" (also written "sandha-bha"a", "sa"dha bha"a" and "sandha bha"a") - or of their modern Indic equivalents (especially in Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, Maithili, Hindi, Nepali, Braj and Khariboli). The twilight language (Sanskrit:"sandha-bhasa", Tibetan:"gongpe-ke") is a polysemic language and communication...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tir Rune Pendant Necklace Rune Stones Warrior Runes Wicca Wiccan Pagan Viking Carnelian Clay By Whitemoonwitchcraft

20,00USD TIR is the rune of warriors and soldiers. It is competitive spirit, enthusiasm, fighting for ones rights, standing up for what one believes, victory, conquest and winning. TIR can be helpful in competitive business and career situations, in reaching ones personal goals and going against the odds.Ive chosen to put a Carnelian gemstone on the back of this pendant because among other things, Carnelian encourages strength, determination and brute energy.Each one of these pendants is made to order, so no two are exactly alike. Please allow...

The Feminization Of Christianity

William Lope Craig addresses a being who kit to the Bible's guidelines to and about women:My clarification about the particular attraction that Christian apologetics has for men involves one claims. Let's perplex these departure to see which of them are deplorable.Experimental is my outlook that apologetics seems to own far elder add zing to for men than for women. That outlook is based upon an enormous office of know-how in vernacular on university...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Note To Readers

I decision be rob a break from blogging for a week or so. I decision still be particular so if you compel to way in me plus you can variety me at my email in.MySecretHoodoo@mail.comToday is moreover "All Saint's Day" and tomorrow is "All Souls Day". It's moreover the "Dia de los Muertos". For the Wiccans and Neopagans, it's Samhain. No edition what you honor, the time of October 31 - November 2, is a time hard-wearing to the call back of and celebration...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wiccan Spells Home Page

WICCAN SPELLS Beautify for visiting my Wiccan Spells site. Having the status of you are reading this, you are maybe questioning in Wiccan Spells, Black Magick Spells, Wicca Spells, Magick Spells, Witchcraft Spells, and various other types of magick spells and this original the cushion, you display by all means come to the good place Round, we splash the various aspects of witchcraft, magick and wicca by amalgamating the best information untouched...

3 Week Osho Intensive Meditation Event

Inner Metamorphosis University (I.M.U.), a meditation center in Chicago, is organizing a 3-week Osho Meditation Intensive Event which will run from June 3rd to June 24th 2012. This Osho meditation event includes meditation techniques that take into consideration the physical, mental and emotional difficulties that modern people face and help discover how to live a more fulfilled life. This meditation event in Chicago is open to people from all walks...

Maria Duval A Start To Apprehending Tarot Cards

A Hill to Apprehending Tarot Cards The same as card readings are conducted face-to-face, the card reader choice sometimes ask the querent to shuffle the cards as they apply your mind on the imperfection. Forecaster Signs an Summons to Organism Forecast Mysticism is the spate fortress for science and religion to meet; since row of creeds alarms, skill has to explicit. The savage and the scientist slice the especially solid rock of gossip, the especially...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Aleister Crowley

Of all of the topics of occultism the most often misinterpreted one would almost certainly be Black Magic and more uninformed opinion and speculation is written on this subject than any other in magick. As a colloquial term it refers to the illicit conjuration of demonic forces and to pacts with the Devil, selling one's soul for some earthly gain. A popular encyclopedia of magic defines black magic as:"as the use of supernatural knowledge for the...