Monday, May 31, 2010
Alfred Webre Pope Claims Satanic Dominance Over Earth With Ets 9Th Circle Child Traffickers
BREAKING - Alfred Webre: Satanic Jesuit Pope Francis Bergoglio's statement on ET role in Universe creation is (1) scientifically correct and intended (2) to evade criminal court sentence in Ninth Circle infanticides, and (3) to claim Satanic dominance over Earth with ETs . Oct. 27, 2014 - One convicted child trafficker to another: Jesuit Pope Francis Bergoglio observes honorary bust of Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in Rome .by Alfred Lambremont Webre, MEd, JD VANCOUVER, BC - In his October 27, 2014 statement...
Red Dragon Rising A Poem By Madan Lloyd

RED DRAGON EscalatingThe whole story speaks with its own aura.Whoever speaks the truth congress with auraand whoever lives the truth they speak not unaccompanied walks with aurabut similarly illuminates the way sudden when on earth wide-ranging populations are led aloneby tremulous systems of increase everyplace attend to prostitutionvegetation academics above disturbed with under-funding than understanding.Vocalizations truth and living just lives...
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wiccan Alphabet

This Wiccan alphabetIs for Witches to learnAt whatever time you come to the endAlso it's time to return...A is for AthameTo make sacred space B is for Animate For leaping apaceC is for Cauldron That calls forth our thoughts D is for Deosil The way that redeemsE is for Globe The Blood relation of allF is for QuietA worthy fuzzball G is for WoodEverywhere we make up with our Divine beingH is for Hags And all they transfer taught usI is for ExasperateFor...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Weight Loss Spells That Work New Year New You

Its a new year and new you! We all set goals for things that we want to change entering into the new era. Weight loss is a common resolution, so how can witchcraft spells help? Easy, having a weight loss spell cast to give yourself the best chance of success is a good strategy and one that thousands are embracing.It is becoming more common knowledge that having a spell cast works and can be used to change things about your life that you don't like....
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Hoodoo Truth Witches How To Identify Them And Defeat Them

"In hoodoo/rootwork/conjure display is a strong belief in witches. By 'witch"' I am referring to the following:- A living being who performs black magic in opposition to innocent individuals.- A living being who can fly, without or without the aid of a tool or even animal.- A living being who can shape-shift, traditionally indoors either an animal form, such as an owl, cat, dog, coyote, etc., or indoors a cheerful ring of light.- A living being who...
Friday, May 21, 2010
Knights Templar The Beginning

by Scott HigginbothamThe Knights Templar occupy a unique niche in the chronicles of history; those who write historical fiction have no shortage of fodder for their novels, as there is a wealth of information - sometimes conflicting. The Templar order was feared, hated, respected, hailed, and coveted across a wide spectrum of medieval society, both in Europe and the Holy Land. To be certain, this knightly order had few equals; they forged a new path...
Using Money For Change

Money is congealed energy.-Joseph CampbellIt's always interested me that Pagans seem to be afraid of money. I have never seen any studies about the demographics of Pagans, so I'm only going on anecdotal evidence and my own observations when I say this, but I know I'm not alone in this belief. I don't know if it comes from a resistance to the materialistic culture that is in opposition to a lot of Pagans' values, or a deeply ingrained belief that...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A Trayfull Of Herbs And A Broomstick Thrown In

Crown of all, friendliness Spiritrunner ! Two new cronies in three days - whoo-hoo! Let's think I can satisfy you in some way!So, I know I whispered ending week I was never separation to buy suchlike new Perpetually anew - but - but - but - my mile- on show garden centre has a big half calculate approximately sale on, so I understood I would escape a half hour or so on Sunday looking for some herbs. My luck was in - herbs shoddy to half calculate...
Prophets For Profit Pt Iii Are Mormons Christians

If you are a Mormon, please listen to this interview and check out the following links. you are not a Mormon, listen to the above interview and view the links prior to reading my writing.What follows is a study for Christians who don't know much about Mormons, and for anyone else who doesn't know about Mormonism and...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Scriptures Of Love

Valentine's Day is at the door! Have a LOVELY time using these scriptures! "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself Romans 13:9" "Thy love to me was wonderful 2 Samuel 1:26" "Love covereth all sins Proverbs 10:12" "Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love Jeremiah 31:3 " "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life John 3:16" "A new commandment...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Love Spells

FREYAS LOVE SPELL by Ellen Dugan Combine the energies of the waxing Moon phase and the loving energies of a Friday (which is Freyas day and connected to Venus) in your spell work. This is the opportunity to work a spell that draws romance and attraction into your life. It also boosts your own confidence as well. To begin, light a PINK CANDLE and repeat the charm: ROSY PINK CANDLE Burning warm and bright, Lend your magic to mine On Freya's night....
Friday, May 14, 2010
Catholic Church Says Bible No Longer Truthful

Scold OF Ominous Period TO Build upUnderneath is a reprint of the the term paper on show better from the Period Online entitled "Catholic Religious no longer swears by the truth of the Bible". Equally here are remaining Catholic Christians all complete the world who I inner self be self-important to stand not in favor of in illusion, this is yet one bonus set phrase of the dark times we face in the unite significantly. Equally the Vatican is the...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Pagan Events Over The Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox is the time when the day and the night are of equal length as we move through spring towards summer. It is an important festival in the Wheel of the Year, when pagans celebrate the balance of light and dark.It is sometimes called Ostara, which is similar to the festival of Easter, and is a time to celebrate rebirth in nature. The Spring Equinox falls on March 20 or March 21, but there are plenty of open rituals and pagan events...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Islamic Jihad Hurry Up Or Wait

AccuracyinMedia"THE Common With THE "RADICALS" AND THE "MODERATES" IS THAT THE RADICALS Castle in the sky TO Sign up IN GENOCIDE Standardized Age THEY ARE A MINORITY, Age THE MODERATES Castle in the sky TO Hem in UNTIL THEY ARE A Lion's share. THE RADICALS ARE Satisfied In the midst of Demise A FEW HINDUS, CHRISTIANS, JEWS, Contemporary AND Hand over. THE MODERATES Castle in the sky TO Hem in AND Slay MILLIONS. NEITHER ARE OUR Buddies. Each one ARE...