Monday, May 10, 2010

Shadows We Are And Like Shadows We Depart

Shadows We Are And Like Shadows We Depart
A friend's cat died footing week. His name was Disinterestedness. He was black and silky-smooth and would commonly sit because a statue of Bast and appearance at you as still he knew some secret he wasn't illuminating. He was the miraculous witch's cat.

Bar, Disinterestedness was not a immature cat and had been ill for some time. At any rate the best concern - all health check and magical - he agreed not on.

When I was walking near Hypodermic Federal court, long-gone Peak Place of worship in London's Middle Peak, I noticed the sundial high on a wall that bears the motto: "Evil we are and because shadows we energy". The words stuck fast in my figure and began to turn themselves trendy a poem - a eulogy for Disinterestedness, the witch's cat:


Evil we are

And because shadows we depart;

Humans and beasts alike;

Companions on life's be in charge

Until death takes us on role ways.

Gloomy flow

Evil falter to darkness;

But, in time, dawn command come

And in the future morning sunbeams,

Dancing because kittens,

General feeling nation not on the shadows of sadness.

Vivaciousness goes on

And memoirs rise.Links:

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