The village 1030 Vienna, Obere Gasse 2 Viaduct
An evening in honor of one of the most interesting witnesses of the 20th Century.. The philosopher, professor, mathematician and author Arnold Keyserling (1922-2005) and the writer and yoga teacher Wilhelmine Keyserling (1921-2010) saw their task is to prepare the spiritual bridge between the bygone eras and modern times. At the same time they knew how to combine knowledge and wisdom of ancient traditions and cultures with Western philosophy and science.
Friends and former students read texts, tell anecdotes, and report on key meetings for their personal development.
Sounds from the movie Keyserling - Science & Kitty sense of cinema and screening of a short film by Gemma Salem with recent interviews with Wilhelmine Keyserling before her death.
More info: www.schuledesrades.org
01/208 26 50
Free review
Bernadette Beiwl-Kletzer
Kundmanngasse 9 / 15
1030 Vienna
Tel 01/714 01 26