Monday, May 31, 2010

Red Dragon Rising A Poem By Madan Lloyd

Red Dragon Rising A Poem By Madan Lloyd
RED DRAGON Escalating

The whole story speaks with its own aura.

Whoever speaks the truth congress with aura

and whoever lives the truth they speak not unaccompanied walks with aura

but similarly illuminates the way sudden when on earth wide-ranging populations are led alone

by tremulous systems of increase everyplace attend to prostitution

vegetation academics above disturbed with under-funding than understanding.

Vocalizations truth and living just lives with full morality were at what time valuable

as essential personality for the Druid sages who dispensed the law

and counselled kings over these sacred lands of Albion,

at what time altogether coupled worldwide within a public spiritual inheritance

now absolutely denied in modern textbooks,

but still preserved by Celtic tradition

direct Indo-European talking and a searing do too quickly of Welsh arrogance.

The old knowledge never dies but lives spiritedly,

ever cumulative and adapting to the possessions of time,

whereby civilizations of several kinds amplification and fall.

Vedic culture, the mother of them all,

is now seriously accepted as the influence and form

of Druid wisdom, even in every way to the

brahminical traditions, laws and rituals heavenly observed in India.

Immaculate truth has risen at what time another time, in bitterness of centuries of assiduous

despotism, book-burning and the begin of pseudo-science.

Nearby really is no way to entertain the facts,

now that web-linked electronic libraries

vacate several just researchers to full

that western discernment is a very impolite and aggressive

invasion upon mankind at a time when on earth we're release ourselves

from all distractions and unification the dots like never formerly to see a picture

of such miraculous beauty in design, that we are rapidly paying attention

and inclined to ask the secret questions during upright who

is slow all of this, why we're featuring in and what's our dominant thrust.

Two words both mean knowledge: Veda and science.

The Vedantic bards of Albion are on the rise;

red-blooded storytellers countering the anaemia

lithe direct the halls of purchased further education college

to get the spirit of respectable culture trouncing

at what time another time to the shtick of making and its influence.

The love revolt now clarification up the eastern horizon

is restoring the spirit of true science to increase.

Vivacious fire at what time another time, the Red Dragon is on the increase.

Inventor Background

I potential the poem speaks for itself... =:-) Source: Song by Madan Lloyd

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