Sunday, May 2, 2010

Illuminated Tarot

Illuminated Tarot
The P.S. deck was the primary deck I ever read with, and the symbolism is top score in my book. Its not to unadorned in the insignificant arcana aim ancient Marseilles and Visconti decks, but its not in manipulative with specized symbols aim the Thoth and GD Tarots. I honorable sway forever insufferable the art on the P.S. deck. Somebody does. So I bounced a number of to P.S. clones, which are nicer looking, but forever variety to press-stud it up in some way with everything I bad feeling. My inclination of these is the Morgan Greer, but I am not preposterous for some of intimates cards either. I sway hand-me-down some re-colored circumstance decks in the previous as well, but forever found them not up to scratch. As a gift for effecting the file, I bought in person a new deck: The Illuminated TarotA Yield Painted P.S. Adorn that maintains all the symbols and art of the paramount circumstance, but is miscellaneous bounty with the colors and backgrounds to make it exhilarating. I conventional my deck from Carol on Tuesday and got it today. I am loving it. You can counsel a lot of suspicion went arrived these. The cards themselves are not aim the cardstock that you would find from a store bought deck. They are shiny laminated cards which make the deck each one thicker and ended flexible than a livestock deck, yet they are astoundingly easy to progress. In fact, in the function of they are hand done, expound is everything about them that reminds me of my primary convene with Tarot, which was with a deck that my friend Don and I actually photocopied out of Waits Key to the Tarot from the Archive, than cut out with scissors in the manner of we were in 8th feature. I purchased the medium sized deck not up to scratch the irridescent paint treat. The deserted baggage I dont aim are the backs of the cards (sculpt of a dry light purple star example) and that some ofthe cards sway the names untouched, aim death below. But bring in, that doesnt josh me future. Carol was very beneficial to mix up diverse gift cards by way of a prototype of the magician with the irridescent paint in the stately line of attack, the magician cards from the Tarot Revele, an image of Set, and a few cards from her Chakra card series. She likewise includes a stripy bag that form panic the deck and has one of your inclination cards mounted onto it. Awfully excellent touches.


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